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3 Hours Later

You would think since her legs are so small she'd get tired quickly. Nope. Yohan and I followed his sister around for hours lugging her shopping bags behind us. We'd began to feel the muscle soreness from yesterday.

"Is there still a lot you need to get?" Yohan groaned. "My legs are getting more sore from walking."

"Just two more stores and were done!" Yohan's sister giggled then stopped in the middle of the walkway. "Oh! I want to drop by this store too. If your tired you guys can take a break on a bench."

"But you'd be alone." Yohan stopped.

"There's a lot of people here it should be fine."

"Okay, we'll be over here then. Hurry up!" Yohan shouted as the shop doors closed behind his sister.

I sighed in relief rushing over to the nearby bench and gently setting my bags down on the ground. Yohan chuckled at me and set the other bags down next to mine.

He threw his arm over my shoulders and leaned his head back against the bench with a sigh. "God, my entire body hurts."

"I know. Me too." I rubbed Yohan's thigh comfortingly. He hummed.

"You should give me a massage later your pretty..." Yohan trailed off looking off in the distance. "That guy." Yohan grabbed my head turning it towards a tall man behind a pole. He wore a long trench coat and a backpack. His face was hidden by medical mask and glasses.

"Suspicious..." I murmured.

"Wasn't there an abduction case around here." Yohan gulped and picked up his phone to google it when a familiar figure took a seat next to him.

"Yes. I'm outside right now." I turned my head instantly recognizing her by her blonde hair. Emma. She giggled brushing her hair behind her ear. "Hey, it's ok."

Yohan turned his head too recognizing Emma. "I really don't mind. Don't worry too much about it." She adjusted the phone next to her ear keeping her eyes on the ground. Yohan turned his head again. This time back towards me. 'Help me' he mouthed. I shrugged in confusion.

He picked up his phone quickly typing me a message. I picked up my phone at the 'ding' to see what he'd said.


I shot into action reaching into Yohan's sisters bag for something to cover his face. Jeez, Yona has bought the whole store! Ah! I pulled out a cat mask and slipped it over Yohan's head.

"Yes, Nura. I think everything is going well. I'll talk to you later good..." Emma stopped to stare at Yohan. "Bye..."

"I'm done!" Yona came running back to us, but stopped. "Why are you wearing my cat mask Yo..." Yohan grabbed his sister covering her mouth and took of running. I followed, mortified.

"Your done right?" Yohan's voice was muffled by the cat mask.

"Mmm hmm." Yona hummed a yes.

"Okay. Let's go."

After running a safe distance from Emma. Yohan paused setting Yona down. "You almost got me in trouble back there."

"What do you mean?" Yona turned back towards Yohan confused. I rolled my eyes at Yohan's exaggeration. I'm sure we would have been fine without the cat mask.

"Nothing." Yohan pulled the cat mask off his head his face coated in a sheen of sweat.

"Oh, I've gotta drop by this store." Yona pointed at the nearby store and drug me and Yohan behind her.

"What do you need to buy?" I questioned once we were inside.

"Some fake glasses. You should help me find them (Y/N)." Yona squeezed my arm with a bright smile.

"Fake glasses..." Yohan took a look around the store. "Ah! Yona, (Y/N) over here!"

Yona crouched down by some toys on a bottom shelf ignoring Yohan. I rustled Yohan's hair keeping an eye on Yona.

"Put them on." I motioned toward a pair of glasses. Yohan grabbed them and slipped them on. "You look smart." I tapped him on the nose with a giggle.

"What about you?" Yohan reached over to the shelf and slipped a pair of glasses on me. I posed. "Fierce." Yohan leaned in giving me a quick kiss.

"Excuse me sir!" A familiar voice shouted. I turned around instantly. "(Y/N)! What are you doing with a kidnapper!?" Emma reached for me and pulled me to her side.

"Wait! No!" I attempted to explain ourselves, but Emma interrupted me.

"Where's the little girl you took with you earlier? What'd you do with her?" Yohan stayed facing the shelf.

"The little girl?" He muttered confused.

"If you don't hand her over I'll call the police!" Emma pulled out her phone holding it up for proof.

"Wait!" Yohan whipped around in shock. "You think I kidnapped my own sister!?"

"Oh, it's you..." Emma mumbled looking towards the ground. I bit my lip. The awkwardness was real.

"Alright let's make things clear. That girl is my little sister. Second...I don't know you." Yohan lowered his voice. I looked towards Yohan in confusion.

"But..." Emma muttered confused.

"I've never seen you before. You must be mistaking me with someone else. If you think I'm Yohan Lee, sorry to disappoint you. I'm his identical twin; Yonon Lee!" Yohan finished. I slapped my forehead in utter disbelief. There was no way Emma was going to believe this.

"But (Y/N)...I thought you were with Yohan why were you kissing his brother?"

"Um...I mistaked him for Yohan too?" I offered up a weak answer.

"Look closely. Yohan and I have different hairstyles and Yohan doesn't wear glasses. I'm also taller." Yohan pushed himself up on his tippy toes, a weak attempt at making himself seem taller. Emma paused in consideration.

"Is that really so? I'm sorry, I made a mistake."
She bowed in apology. "I didn't know he had a twin. The little girl from earlier also resembles you. Sorry for accusing you."

"It's okay." Yohan continued to play along. "We get mistaken for each other all the time. Now if you'll excuse us..." Yohan waved and headed back towards Yona. I waved at her too and followed.

"What the hell was that?" I gritted my teeth. Yohan blushed.

"Hey! She bought it. Yona, the glasses are over here!" Yohan and I stopped. Yona was nowhere to be seen.

"Yona?" I called out. Peeking around the aisle.

"Yona?!" Yohan shouted. We grew more panicked as we searched the store and came up with nothing. Where could she be?

My Hidden Truths (Yohan Lee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now