The Mystery Assault

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3 days later
I jolted upright hearing the front door creak open. "Who's there" My voice shook.

"It's ok (Y/N) it's just me" my brothers voice soothed my nerves. I checked my phone 11:00 PM way later than when he usually got home. My blood went cold. Please, please, please tell me it's not what I'm thinking.

"Um Elios why are you home so late?" I questioned nonchalantly.

"Don't worry about it" he shrugged, "Just protecting Emma" he smirked leaning on the couch. My face paled as I realized my assumptions were right.

"Did you um-k-kill anyone?" I stuttered.

"Of course not, just lent them a warning" he sighed. My phone buzzed. Who could be texting me this late? Elios' eyebrows knitted together.

"Oh it's probably just mom checking up on us" I shrugged, "you know her..." I awkwardly laughed.

"Yeah...well I'm heading to bed don't stay up to late" he finished walking away. I ended the recording on my phone saving it into my hidden evidence folder. Elios had somehow never found it. I ran a hand through my tangled hair and checked my notifications to see who had texted me earlier. Yohan.

Hey I know it's kinda late but I was wondering what slides you assigned me again (:
I snickered at his forgetfulness quickly typing a response back and drifting off to sleep.

Elios' POV

I watched from the hallway as (Y/N) curled up in a ball on the couch. I waited until I could hear her steady breathing and that's when I stepped into the living room. My soft footsteps echoed in the room as I made my way over to her phone on the ottoman. I quickly typed in her passcode and went straight to her messages. I had to know who she was texting.

Hey I know it's kinda late but I was wondering what slides you assigned me again (:

From Yohan Lee. A boy? I scrolled through their past messages concluding they were partners for a project. They seemed to be friends yet some of their texts were quite flirty.

U up? My sister texted him at 11:00 PM yesterday.

Ya what's up?

This might sound weird but sometimes I feel like I've known you my whole life

No I totally get it I feel the same

Let's just say that I'd have my eye on Yohan. If he was my sisters business that meant he was my business. That meant I'd be watching him very, very carefully.

(Y/N)'s POV
I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes yawning and stretching my body out on the couch. I grabbed my phone from the ottoman quickly checking the time 8:00 AM. Shit! I was late for school! I hopped up from the couch and rushed up the stairs tripping about 3 times. I slid into my room and jerked open my closet door.

A sweater and leggings would do. I pulled them on and rushed over to my vanity applying mascara and pulling my hair up into a top knot. I rushed back down the stairs grabbing my laptop and slipping it into my bag slinging it over my shoulder.

My socks glided across the hardwood floor of the kitchen as I made my way to the pantry and grabbed a granola bar tossing it into my bag. I snatched my keys off the counter and jogged over to the door unlocking it and pulling on a pair of sneakers.

I pulled up in the parking lot in a rush parking slightly over the separator. I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and hopped out of my car but ducked down immediately. It was during class time yet Yohan was outside talking to someone.

My Hidden Truths (Yohan Lee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now