Two v.s One

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1 week later
Ever since I'd gotten sick and Yohan and I had a serious talk we'd been a lot closer. Today was just an average study day at McDonald's with Yohan and his friends. I was the only girl there so I stayed glued to Yohan's side.

"Want anything?" Yohan elbowed me while we waited for his friends to order.

"Uh, just a medium fry. We can share" I smiled up at him. He smiled back and stepped up to order. Yohan's friend Justin who had always been nice to me stepped back from the counter with a cup and smiled at me on the way to the soda machine.

"Got us our fries" Yohan ruffled my hair and we headed back towards our study table.

"Jeez we've been waiting" Andrew, another one of Yohan's buddies rolled his eyes and laughed, "I wanted to take a picture before we got studying"

I giggled. Andrew pulled out his phone and turned around in his chair. We all leaned in as Justin swooped in doing bunny ears behind Yohan.

"Everyone say cheese!" We all smiled. After bantering back and forth for awhile we got back to work. It'd been a couple hours of occasional chitchat and studying when Yohan spoke up.

"Dude, you should've asked before tagging me in that pic" Yohan was tapping away on his phone removing the tag.

"Huh? It's just Instagram chill" Andrew brushed off Yohan's comment and stuck a fry in his mouth.

"Nah, the picture isn't the problem it's that your sharing your location with the picture. The problem with social media is that you never really know who's seeing your posts. That's why sharing your location is kinda dangerous. Before you know it, a serial killer could be standing at your door" Yohan looked up meeting eyes with Andrew.

Andrews face paled, "Are you serious or..."

"Only half joking"

Around 12:00 am Yohan and I headed out and said our goodbyes to the rest of the boys. We walked down a sidewalk near a line of tall apartment buildings in silence until Yohan got a call.

"Hello? Uncle Yojoong?" I met eyes with Yohan and he smiled intertwining our fingers. "What's up? I'm walking home, why?"

I raised an eyebrow and squeezed Yohan's hand tighter getting his attention. He looked down at me and I furrowed my eyebrows shaking my head.

"It's fine" He mouthed, "I'll tell you later"

"About him doing inappropriate things to female students?" There was silence for a couple minutes while Yohan's uncle spoke.

"Well that's expected, once the threat is gone they had the courage to come forward. Ah, I see. Why are you telling me this though?" Another pause. Yohan stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and jerked my arm back on accident.

"Is that so?" Yohan collapsed onto his hands and knees pulling me down with him.

"Yohan! Yohan?" I grabbed his chin forcing him to look at me. He looked down not meeting eyes with me.

"Hello? why are you suddenly quiet?" Yohan's uncle spoke up. Suddenly, something came over Yohan and he rubbed his chin deep in thought. He picked up the phone.

"Yeah I'm here" Silence on my end until his face paled. "Uncle, where are you right now?" He seemed to change the topic. "Nah, to call me about work at this hour? How workaholic can you get?" Yohan stood up pulling me up with him.

"It's okay I'm not a kid anymore. Just get home and get some rest" Yohan laughed. "Hey, I at least know my own neighborhood" I stopped dead in my tracks seeing someone duck behind a corner. I nudged Yohan my eyes wide. He looked up seeing the man.

"Haha don't be so mean!" Yohan laughed, "Actually can you come pick me and (Y/N) up? I'll send you the location check your inbox"

I leaned close to Yohan watching him type the message.

We're being followed

A cold chill ran up my spine and I shrunk down into my hoodie. Yohan squeezed my hand tighter assuring me. He hung up the phone and looked down at me. He pulled me close to whisper in my ear.

"It's okay. Just stay close to me, I won't let anything happen to you. Just walk normally and act calm. They haven't realized we noticed them" We continued walking calmly towards Yohan's house. He leaned down to whisper again.

"We need to go to a place with a lot of people" We veered off the sidewalk we were walking on onto grass. I raised an eyebrow. We were heading into a forest and that was definitely not a place with a lot of people.

After walking for awhile. We stopped. Yohan took a deep breath in, then exhaled.

"Shit, were lost" He muttered. We stood there deep in thought. I feared turning around. I felt a pair of eyes burning into the back of my skull. Yohan lead me forward and opened the gate to the abandoned house. The gate creaked loudly.

We walked straight through the front hallway aimlessly. Three pairs of feet tapped loudly on the hardwood floor. We turned into a room on our left.

"Act like we knew they were coming" he whispered and threw his bag on the floor. I leaned on the desk. "So, how do you like the place? I bet you didn't expect this. But we've been waiting for you" Yohan's hand was behind his back and I could tell he was sending out his location.

"Please, take a seat" He smiled and sat down in the wooden chair, "we have a lot to talk about" I smirked and stepped behind Yohan's chair leaning on the back of it. I crossed my arms observing the man. He wore all black. A black hoodie with his hood pulled up.

The mans ice blue stare made me sweat. I gripped Yohan's shoulder. The man was silent.

Could he really take us both on at the same time? Would he even try?

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