Dear Sister:

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I pull Clary's hand tightly behind her, twisting it a little. My intention of sending a short shoot of pain up her arm I'm guessing works as she winces, biting down on her lip trying to counter the pain. I chuckle as she tears through the skin and a bead of blood appears.

"Little sister, you're bleeding. Let me get that for you."

I lean down, enjoying her moment of weakness and touch her lips with mine. I taste her blood against my lips and as I pull away I lick them. She doesn't speak but her glare says all her thoughts.

Stupid, crazy, physcopathic brother.

I laugh again and allow myself a snide comment meant to irritate her.

"Frownings bad for your skin, you know?"I tell her, grinning.

I feel something wet hit my cheek and I realise from Clary's proud look that she's spat on me. I feel the anger rise in me and I draw my hand back, one hand still restraining her struggling arms and I bring it down on her cheek

"Come on. We're leaving. You'll be reunited with your precious boyfriend."

I try to hide the anger that word provokes from my voice. Boyfriend. No Clary should not have a boyfriend. She was mine.

I make sure I have a firm grip on her flailing arms then twist my ring so we land just inside the house, infront of the door.

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