9. Big Problem

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1×12- Dance Back from the Grave

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1×12- Dance Back from the Grave

I gave Marcel a drink and sat beside him. "I'm sorry, um. About Davina." I breath out and he looks at me and I look at him. "I didnt want her to die, she should be here alive. Living and enjoying all that comes to her." I tell him and he was about to say something but Klaus enters and looks at us.

"Ugh, is this what's it's come to? I bear the full weight of our kingdom while you pout like a child." Klaus asked and Marcel looks at him. "You wanted to be king. Besides, you look like you got it covered." Marcel tells him.

"If the men see you shirk your duties, they're likely to do the same." Klaus says to him. "Klaus, just leave him alone." I tell Klaus. "You've done enough." I breaths out.

"I told you, I am not in the mood for vampire hijinks" Marcel tells him bluntly. "No. You'd rather sit wallowing in sorrow for your lost little friend." Klaus points out.

Marcel stands up and points a finger at Klaus. "Don't push me right now." He says. "I am sorry Davina is gone, okay? I'm sorry. But this mournful attitude is unworthy of you, and it's boring to me." Klaus points out to him as I see Diego enters.

"Hey, guys, we got a problem." He tells us.


We made it to the cauldron and I heard Thunder as Diego show us two vampires, both desiccated, and both with the same magical symbol carved into their forehands and their bodies lay inside a magic circle created with salt, with runes drawn inside.

"We came to mess with the witches, just like you said. And these two, they went missing. Found them like this, not even staked. Just dead." Diego says and Marcel looks at Klaus. "That's two more of my guys gone. Nice job, Captain." Marcel spat as he looks at his dead men, puts his hood up, turns around, and starts to walk away.

"Where are you going? Someone has to account for this!" Klaus tells him. "You want revenge, get it yourself. That mark is tied to some bad mojo." Marcel says as he turns to the rest of the vampires. "Any of y'all got any brains, you'll head back to the compound and stay the hell out of this." Marcel says to them as he walks off and Klaus turns to Diego.

"We're gonna find whoever did this, and I will show them what suffering is." Klaus says and I chuckle. "Always so dramatic Klaus." I tell him.


We come back to the Mikaelson compound. "Ah! Someone will die for this." Klaus says to all of us.

"Remarkably, I don't disagree. However, I would like to know where they learned such dark magic." Elijah asked. "I had hoped never to see that symbol again. I recall it is the signature of a fool who once stood against us." Klaus tells us.

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