CHAPTER 1: Hello Again.....

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It's been about three years since I last spoke and saw my father. It wasn't easy leaving him because I was all he ever had after my mother was killed.

I was ten years old when I witnessed my mother being murdered. These men in suits had somehow kicked in our front door and immediately began shooting.

It wasn't until that day that I found out what my father had gotten us into. Desperate for money and to provide for both my mother and I, he wanted to start his own business but no one would give him a loan. Not until he met Fuigero.

Fuigero is the leader of the most feared gang in the states. He kills without hesitation and doesn't care who you are. He's dangerous and responsible for my mothers death.

I didn't understand right away what everything meant until later on when I was sixteen. As if I never had enough going on in general, school became the worst after that. Although it wasn't until eighth grade that I had become the target of the biggest asshole at school named Harvey.

He bullied me almost everyday throughout middle school up until we graduated from high school.

That's all in the past though as I'm sure also he's probably in prison.

My father had called me this morning while I was getting ready for work and asked to see me today.

I didn't reply right away because I don't want anything to do with that part of my life anymore and I'm sure he is still part of all that. 

So I ended up ignoring his call and put my phone on silent as I headed off to work.

The day was busy for the most part and I was talking with my co-workers who had talked about going out tonight. I'm normally not one for going out but it seemed like it would be a lot of fun although I will be the only curvy big girl in the group where I know everyone will be looking at me all weird as usual.

Sometimes I really couldn't give two shits of what people think about me because I decided after high school I wouldn't be the victim of bullying anymore. However, it's hard though seeing the girls get hit on and you feeling invisible because the men who are hitting on them don't even acknowledge I'm even there. Which is also another reason I don't like going out.

"Hey girl, you definitely are going out tonight with us because you need to get laid." My friend Sheira says.

"Gee thanks." I roll my eyes playfully while finishing up my client.

"I'm serious. Besides, it's also time you start appreciating what God gave you with those curvy ass hips of yours." She winks at me.

I just shake my head and the client then gets finished up and I start cleaning up my station while Sheira walks back towards her station.

"Hey Calista! There's a gentleman on the phone here that says he wants to talk to you!" I heard the receptionist announce loudly.

"Alright." I replied.

I begin walking up front and take the phone from her hand before asking who it was.

"This is Calista, how may I help you?" I ask.

"It's been a while." I hear an all too familiar voice.

"Dad?" I asked in a low voice so that nobody could hear me. "How did you get this number?" I asked.

"Never mind that. I really need to see you. There are some things that have happened recently and I need to explain a few things." He says sounding desperate almost.

I think for a moment until I eventually agree.

"Fine. I will come and meet with you. Meet me at The Tea Kettle on Fifth Street in an hour. We can talk then." I tell him.

"Thank you." He says sounding relieved.

My last client had already just left anyways so I clean up my station and grab my things then begin heading out.

I get into a cab and while on the way over there, a few flashbacks of memories in when I was a kid come. There weren't always bad ones but still, I don't like going down 'memory lane' necessarily.

The cab pulls up in front of the place and already I can tell my father is here because of the fact that he is the only one who has the nice car that he does. Where I live, nobody has a nice car like he does so he kind if sticks out like a sore thumb.

I take in a deep breath and let it out before getting out and walking inside. Here we go....

Once I'm inside, I look around and immediately spot him sitting at a booth not looking like he normally does.

Instead of a clean-cut look he looks like he hasn't slept in forever along with a five o' clock shadow and seems to have fear in his eyes as he holds the warm cup of coffee tightly in his grasp and begins to drink some, shaking a little bit.

He spots me and we lock eyes for a moment and already I don't feel as bad as I thought I would. He is after all, still my father.

I begin walking towards him and he smiles.

"Hello Princess." He smiles.

"Dad." I reply.

"Please, take a seat." He begins.

"Thanks." I reply a little coldly.

"I ordered you some tea. I know how much you hate coffee..." Hs states.

"Yeah." I replied. "So let's cut the small talk and why don't you just start telling me what you want?" I ask.

He nods and although he looks disappointed, he let's out a breath before he starts.

"There are some men that are after me." He begins.

"And?" I asked.

"And I know that they will come after you if necessary and I wanted to come and warn you." He tells me.

"Let me get this straight. You have contacted me after us not talking or seeing each other in years, JUST to tell me that some asshole you are doing business with still, may or may not be coming after me?!" I ask while shaking my head.

"I don't believe you. I thought you would have learned by now to not do business with assholes!" I exclaim.

"It's not as simple." He states.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. "Is that it then?" I asked without making eye contact with him.

"Yes but, I also am having one of my best men watch over you until this whole thing can be resolved." He says.

I look at him with a cocked eyebrow.

"You mean like a bodyguard or something?" 

"Yes." He says. "And the best part is that you knew him. So you won't feel too nervous or awkward around him."

"What?" I ask confused.

"Ah, here he comes now." He says as he looks over my shoulder.

When I look and see who it is, I start to feel pain. The echoes of laughter from the ones that would cheer this person on whenever he would make fun of me.

I close my eyes and then open them up hoping it wasn't real and that he would vanish but unfortunately, this was real and it really was my ex-bully from school....Harvey.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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