CHAPTER 4: A Nice Friendly Dinner

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I didn't say anything for the rest of the car ride towards wherever we were going and felt really bad as old bad memories that I regret making when I used to bully and tease her back in school replayed in my mind after she told me not to judge her on what she eats or does.

I feel terrible for ever doing that to her in the first place. I mean, how can I explain that I was immature and an asshole at the time when there was really no excuse for my actions.

"Harvey....Hello!" I hear her trying to get my attention. 

"Yeah?" I shake my head and answer her. 

"I asked if you wanted some food before we head back to my place?" She asks. 

"Sure." I replied then got out of the car and headed inside of the take out restaurant and paid for mine and her meal then got back into the car and we started leaving towards her place. 

When we finally pulled up to her apartment building, I was a little surprised at the looks of it because I had expected something a little nicer. It wasn't bad or anything, I just always pictured her in a house but I know also from after hearing from her dad recently that after she found out what he did for a living, she didn't want his money. Which I can understand that but this puts a lot of things in perspective. 

We walked up the stairs as I held the grocery bags and she insisted on carrying at the least the take-out bags that I tried my best to convince her not to worry about it but still grabbed them before I could. 

Once we got to her door, she had turned around to look at me. 

"Well, thanks for walking me up here and everything but, I can take it from here." She says. 

"I'm sure you can but I promised your father I would protect you and I can't necessarily do that unless I'm always with you." I remind her. 

"That doesn't include you sleeping at my place." She states. 

"Actually, it does." I tell her followed by a chuckle. 

"There is no way I'm having you stay with me in my place. Besides, I don't even have the space for that. So I guess you'll just have to sleep out here." She says smug. 

"Calista. Come on. Don't be like that. You know that you want me to go in there with you." I tell her in a low smooth voice as I move in closer towards her. 

She starts to back up and hits the door. 

"Like I told you." She struggles to say. "I don't have the space." 

"I'm fine with the couch or even the floor." I tell her. 

"I don't..." She continues trying to protest. 

"Look, the food is getting cold and some of the groceries are beginning to melt and not to mention I need to put on my so called 'cream' I needed." I smirk at her. 

She looks at me shocked and then has the look of a little guilt. Then she looks away for a brief moment and looks back at me before doing anything else. 

"Fine, you can stay, but you are sleeping on the couch." She tells me. 

"I'm fine with that." I smile as I take a step back. 

She rolls her eyes and then turns around to open the door. After locking it behind me, I take a quick look around the place and I think it definitely suits her personality with the purple colored walls and the other eccentric items all over the place.  It's actually nice. 

She takes the grocery bags from my hands and starts heading into the kitchen that's only several feet away and starts to put everything away while I walk towards the couch to sit down and set down the food down onto the coffee table in front of me and start taking out the food. 

"Okay so the bathroom is straight ahead to the left and my bedroom is on the left there. I use the bathroom at around seven in the morning." She begins. 

"I understand. That's fine." I smile at her. "Now come and sit, I know you must be hungry." I tell her. It wasn't until after the words left my mouth that I realized maybe that sounded bad. 

She takes a seat next to me anyways. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that in a bad way. I just meant because I've been with you since I got there when you met with your dad and noticed you didn't order any food." I began to quickly explain. 

"It's okay." She says. 

She next takes some chopsticks and the couple cartons of her food as I do with mine and then we take out the drinks we got from there and started eating. We shared a couple moments of silence before we decided to watch some TV. This was nice. I was enjoying her company and I think she is enjoying mine as well. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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