CHAPTER 10: I Want You

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We were just like couples in the movies that usually had just met in a bar and are hooking up.

We are kissing each other nonstop and in between removing each other's clothes and tossing them randomly onto the floor.

Then I lay her down onto her back on the bed and begins kissing from her lips down to the side of her neck and then down to in between the valley of her beautiful soft breasts that I couldn't wait to touch and kiss.

While placing one of her nipples inside of my mouth and circling my tongue around her nipple, I was cupping the other one before giving it the attention as the other.

She seemed to like it because I could hear her quietly try and moan.

"Mmm. That feels so good." She moans.

"Mmm. Just wait." I tell her while looking into her eyes and winking before next kissing my way down to her stomach while rubbing between her legs on her sweet sensitive bottom which made her gasp at the lightest touch and then I placed two fingers deep inside of her wet folds and began to thrust a little inside while replacing my other finger as I replaced it with my tongue and began flicking at the sweet nub. All while continuing to thrust both my fingers deep inside of her.

I was driving her crazy in all the right ways and pleasing her in all the right places.

Then after getting her wet enough, I climbed back on top of her then pulled out a condom and just tore the packet opened with my teeth before I rolled it on.

When I looked back at her I couldn't help but look right into her eyes and it made me stop for a brief moment to really look into them.

I couldn't believe that I never realized how beautiful she truly is.

We smile at each other and that's when I place my lips onto hers passionately but also a little bit lustfully.

She kisses me back as I position myself in between her legs and she wraps both her legs around my waist as I start to slide inside of her making us both moan at the same time a little bit.

"You're so tight baby." I tell her.

"You feel really good. Don't go slow, just take me." She tells me.

I next start to speed up the pace a little and thrust into her hard and deep then begin to go inside of her faster and faster.

"Fuck." I moan next to her ear while I thrust in more and bury my face in the crook of her neck.

Her moans start to get louder and I love it.  They're sounds I have wanted to hear from her for a long time and am more than turned on now so I start to pick up the pace even faster and thrust deeper and harder inside of her as I start to feel her fingers tighten on my back while she continues to moan.

Next I have her get on all fours and then enter her from behind while holding onto her curvy hips as I thrust even harder and faster deep inside of her causing her to moan and scream in ecstasy at the same time in her pillow.

I next lift her head up and have her turn her head to look at me and smash my lips onto hers.

"You feel amazing baby. Don't stop." She moans.

My moans become more and more as soon as I begin thrusting deep and hard inside of her until I get ready to come as does she and we both start to come at the same time while I collapse onto her trying to catch my breath before then pulling out, tossing the condom into the wastebasket nearby then lay on my back in the bed right before she places her head onto my chest and looks at me.

"You tired?" She asks me.

"Not at all. Just needed to take a break." I tell her.

"Good because we aren't finished yet " She smiles.

" want some more?" I ask.

"Well, it is YOUR turn to get some pleasure from me." She wiggles her eyebrows up and
The next thing I know, she's on top of me and starting to stroke my cock while I sit back and enjoy myself.

Her mouth, tongue and hands felt great  the shaft along with when she started  speeding up with the stroking and she  continued until I came again before we both fell asleep.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Hey guys, sorry it's been a while since I have posted but been busy with preparation for the Holidays along with dealing with some family things. But I am back now so have no fear. Also, I will be posting another chapter to this story and 2 chapters for the other two stories I post for. Also, this Saturday, I will give you all a sneek peek to a couple of new stories. Until then, love you all, enjoy these and many more to come. :):)

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