CHAPTER 9: You Want Excitement?!?

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Is this some kind of a joke or a trick he is trying to pull on me? He can't possibly be meaning what I think he is saying to me right now.

Yet there's something in his eyes that's making me think otherwise and that he is telling me the truth.

"Then prove it. Show me." I tell him.

He pulls me in closer and I start to get a little more nervous when he places his mouth back onto mine as we begin kissing each other passionately.

He starts to kiss his way down the side of my neck as I feel him next push me up against the mantle and I can't help but quiver at his touch while his fingers touch my body making ne close my eyes and enjoy this pleasurable moment.

I want him......I need him......

Suddenly I stop feeling him kiss me and when I open my eyes to look at him, he smiles and leans in to kiss me again before lowly telling me why he stopped.

"I want you to get dressed into something nice. I'm taking you out tonight." He tells me.

Damnit, why did he stop? I mean, don't get me wrong, I am all about the romance stuff too but you can't have a heated moment like we just did and then leave me hanging.

"Okay." I reply while trying not to sound too disappointed.

"Don't worry, it'll be a night you won't ever forget." He says quietly into my ear before placing a gentle kiss on the side of my cheek.

I start heading upstairs and put on a casual dress and curl the ends of my hair before putting eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss on then take one final look in the mirror before I start making my way downstairs.

Once I reached downstairs I saw Harvey already waiting for me, dressed nice with his hair slicked back, wearing a dark buttoned up dress shirt along with his dark pants and nice shoes to match

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Once I reached downstairs I saw Harvey already waiting for me, dressed nice with his hair slicked back, wearing a dark buttoned up dress shirt along with his dark pants and nice shoes to match.

I swear this might be real hard to make it through the night without wanting to jump his bones.

"You look beautiful." He smiles at me.

"Thanks. You look great too." I smile in reply.

"Shall we?" He asks.

"Yes we shall, Sir." I played off teasingly.

He opened the door for me to get into the car and also again after we parked in town and got out.

He took my hand as we began walking towards a restaurant that seemed nice looking and that seemed very down-to-earth.

After being seated, I began thinking that maybe I overdressed as people were looking at me as if I was weird. I guess Harvey could tell as he looked around at everyone and then back at me.

"Don't worry, they're just jealous with how amazing you look." He winks at me causing me to blush.

After we order our food and drinks, I take a look around at the decor and then try to avoid any awkward silence between us by asking him about his grandparents.

"So did you come here a lot when you were a kid?" I ask.

"Yeah. Almost every Summer I would come out and visit them here. It was always fun." He starts.

"I can imagine." I tell him.

"I want you to know that earlier after we kissed, it was really hard for me to restrain myself from taking you then and there. But I  wanted to take you out first." He leans in to tell me.

To which I too lean in close to him as well with a smile.

"And I was hoping that you would have done just that. But I see why you didn't." I tell him.

He sits back up in his chair as I do the same and take a drink from the wine glass and see him do the same but mostly downing it in one gulp while not taking his eyes off of me.

Next he takes out his wallet, then some money and tosses it onto the table before getting up and taking my hand helping me up as we start making our way out the door.

I was trying to hold in my laughter as we quickly got into the car and started heading back to the cottage.

The moment we pulled up into the driveway, he got out, came to my side and helped me out of the car.

"What, no romantic walk along the water or park or anything else other than dinner that's romantic?" I teased.

"Nope. You want excitement, that's what I'm going to give you." He winks before we start making our way towards the house where as soon as we step inside, he shuts the door behind us and as soon as I turn around to say something, he immediately cuts me off by smashing his lips onto mine.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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