CHAPTER 7: The Cottage

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It's not necessarily his fault that I got upset but I just get so upset about my father and begin thinking about when I was little and my mother. I know Harvey didn't realize how much it upsets me but also, he needs to understand that despite how things look from the outside with my dad and I , it doesn't mean it's really all that nice.

Even when I was little people would always assume that my life was perfect and that I was rich but it was never that.

Harvey and I have been getting to know each other more than I ever expected us to but it's been a good thing and yet has me on edge at the same time a little bit because I never expected to see him again.

I hear a knock on my door and let out a sigh while heading over and answering it.

"What?" I ask.

"Look, I'm sorry to have upset you. I honestly didn't mean to." He begins to apologize.

"It's okay. You didn't know he had that affect on me." I replied.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe, since you are all off for this three-day weekend that maybe we could get away for a little bit." He suggests.

"What about my dad? I don't think he'd like that very much." I mock.

"He doesn't have to know. It's not like he's gonna come and check-in on us." He laughs a little bit.

Do I really want to go away alone with him? What am I saying, of course I do. But I can't seem like I'm too excited.

"Okay. But because it's a holiday's weekend, how are we going to find a place?" I asked.

"Don't worry about that. I know some people that are friends of my family and who owe me a favor." He winks. "All you need to worry about is getting ready and packing. We'll leave in a couple hours." He tells me then turns around and walks towards the couch while looking like he's calling whomever.

Three Hours Later

I can't believe we are on the road towards a nice little cottage home that he says is really nice and quiet. It's almost like an Airbnb that his grandparents normally have rented out to tourists that come into town but said they had nobody this weekend and told him it was fine.

I was a little nervous as we started to pull up in front of the place because I was about to meet his grandparents and felt a little awkward.

Once we pulled up and got out, he grabbed both of our bags along with the groceries we got from the little town that's a few miles away from here and headed into the cottage.

The minute we walked inside, I was awestruck at what I was seeing. The place was very cute and though it was a one story cottage.

"This place is beautiful." I comment.

"Thanks. I had hoped you'd like it." He says.

"Where's your grandparents?" I asked.

"They left already. They travel a lot and left to Italy so we've got this place to ourselves." He mentions.

"Oh?" I asked surprised.

"Don't worry, you have your own room." He laughs a little bit.

"Okay." I reply trying to hide the little disappointment I felt.

"I'll show you around." He says while putting the grocery bags down onto the kitchen counter before we make our way around the place.

Then when he shows me to my room I can't help but admire this place anymore because of how cute it looks.

I felt I was in a place that was from a fairy tale type of a book. I have always wondered what it would be like to stay in one and now I am able to.

Harvey told me that his grandmother seemed to be in love with cottages since she saw her first one as a little girl in a children's book and swore to herself that one day she would have one built or buy one. I guess she made it happen which I think is adorable.

I start making my way out to the living room and notice Harvey putting the groceries all away and can't help but check him out as he's bent over putting things in the fridge.

Why won't he kiss me? Would he ever want to even? Should I be wanting this? What is going on with me?!?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Below are the photos of the cottage.....

Below are the photos of the cottage

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