CHAPTER 20: Does He Know Something?

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What the hell is up with this necklace? I had never heard of Harvey mentioning anything about a necklace and don't remember seeing it in the envelope. Not that I took a good look in there anyways. 

I look over at my father's now lifeless body beside Harvey and can't believe he was dead. Despite the fact we didn't have the best of a relationship for a father and daughter, it still hurt knowing he was dead and there was no way in us EVER being able to try and reconcile or apologize to one another. 

I was more terrified than I have ever been in my entire life just knowing that any moment, his uncle that's holding a gun at me can pull the trigger and make everything forever go dark for me. 

I hope they find this necklace because if not, we are dead for sure and there is no mercy his uncle will have on neither one of us. 

We hear the door open and in walks one of his Uncle's men as they are holding something in the air as they walk towards us. 

The guy then hands what I'm assuming is 'the necklace' and for sure notice that's what it is as his uncle starts to display a grin on his face. 

He next walks over towards a folded out table and has one of his men set down the laptop then he opens the necklace and inserts a flash drive it seems into the side of the laptop and starts clicking away at the keys. 

The next thing we hear are gasps and then a deep sinister chuckle come from him before he stands back up straight and grabs the flash drive then turns to look at me and Harvey. 

"Lucky for you both, he in fact DID leave you the necklace where you said to look." He tells us. 

"Good now, untie us." Harvey tells him. 

"Now nephew, you know how this all ends. I can't just let you go so easily." He exclaims. 

"But you got what you wanted. At least let her go." He begs him. 

"Sorry but, that's not how this works." He says. 

Next he motions with a nod of his head in both mine then Harvey's direction and the next thing I see is Harvey's mouth being duct taped shut again. This was it. The both of us were going to die for sure, there was no doubt about that now. 

Harvey and I looked at one another with me still crying even more now and him tearing up with an apologetic look in his eyes also. 

The next thing I hear moments after the slamming and locking from the door they all walked out of, was a loud booming sound that caused the windows to shatter into pieces and the structure of the place we were in to shake a little bit. Then both Harvey and I starting smelling smoke and I began to freak out because I had gasoline poured onto me. 

We both began trying to wriggle free somehow from our chairs despite the fact it seemed hopeless as we could barely move at all. 

Then I noticed Harvey pushes himself hard back onto the ground, causing one of the legs thankfully to break off and allowed one of his legs to come undone from the rope. Next he angled himself to where he was trying to break the other leg and as soon as he finally did after a couple kicks, he next stood up, then looked around quickly then ran several feet away towards a table that had several things on it and grabbed something that took him a while to do but was helpful enough to eventually help him break his hands free and rip the tape from his mouth off before then running towards me and quickly getting me out. 

"You okay?" He asks while finishing cutting my hands free. 

"Yeah." I tell him with a nod. 

He takes hold of my hand and we both begin running towards outside and as soon as he kicked opened the door that seemed to somehow be sealed shut from the pressure caused by whatever was outside. Once we ran out we stopped when we noticed all the cars that his Uncle and his men were in had all been blown up. 

Well, mainly it was his uncle's car and the others though seemed to have been close enough for them to be affected by the disaster as well. 

"Come on." He says taking hold of my hand and having us run to one of the only cars there was in the parking lot that wasn't blown up and started to hurry and get inside then speed off to who knows where to now. 

So much has happened in just a few hours and it feels like we are on the run or something. But then again, we never did anything wrong so I don't see why we are leaving as if we were the bad guys. Does he know something I don't? 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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