CHAPTER 21: A New life Together

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I wasn't sure in how this was all going to turn out but I'm glad that it didn't end with her dying or getting more hurt than I know she already has been. 

We had to leave that scene though because I know how the cops would work, also knowing the connections my uncle had and whatever lies I am sure he has told them about me to make it to where they would try and make both Calista and I as the ones who were the bad guys and I couldn't allow that to happen. 

So we got into the only car I noticed wasn't damaged that we could still drive and started heading towards the airport. 

"What are we going to do now? Our passports and the money your cousin gave to us, it was all in the car back there." He says. 

"I know but, I think my cousin knew that my uncle was going to catch us and we actually were never going to the airport." I start telling her. 

"What? Are you serious? Hold up. Are you telling me that you KNEW your uncle would catch up to us and do what all he did?" She asks. 

"Not exactly. My cousin just warned me about IF he did, what to do." I tell her. 

"So then did you notice about the necklace?" She asks. 

"No, I honestly had no clue about the necklace. I don't know what was on that but whatever it was, I know that Brock was always tech smart and am sure he created a bomb of some sort to blow them up like that." I tell her. 

"I'm so confused." She shakes her head. 

"I know, but I promise, once we get onto the boat and leave here, I'm sure we'll have everything explained to us both." I tell her. 

"How? Is someone waiting for us somewhere?" She asks. 

"Yes actually. You see, my cousin had mentioned to me that if my uncle were to find us and we were able to get away, that we would have to go to the place he had set us up for life with money and new identities." I start to explain. 

"So let me see if I get this straight, you're telling me that we were never going to the airport and that your cousin set us up on a boat?" 

"Yeah. But it'll be just you and me on there. Then we can start heading towards Italy." 

"I can't believe this is happening. Why couldn't we just have stayed back there and explain to the police in what all had happened?" She asks me. 

"Because my uncle was very good friends with almost every police department and FBI and I wasn't sure if he was like that with them. Then if I had risked it, we both would be in trouble than we should be and things would have become a lot worse for us. Not to mention if we had stayed and even if they believed us, the other men that worked for my uncle and weren't there today would come looking for us. However, at least this way, we could have a fighting chance at starting all over again in a place nobody knew about us and were they can't find us." I try to explain to her although it probably doesn't make any sense to her right now. 

The rest of the ride to the docks was quiet and I understood she probably had a lot going through her head right now, so I just let it be quiet until we arrived at the docks and pulled up. 

I waited a moment before saying anything and breaking the silence. 

"The choice is yours Calista. I won't make you ever do something you don't want to do. And if you really want to go back and try to hope that these policemen were not friends with my uncle, then I will turn this car back around and head back, if it'll make you feel better. You can even mention it was all my fault. I will gladly take the full blame so that you could go on with your life at least." I tell her. 

"No. I don't want that." She says. "I want to be with you. I just, I want to make sure we really can put this all behind us for good." She explains to me. 

"I promise." I tell her. 

She then nods her head before we get out of the car then I take her hand and we begin walking down the docks towards the boat that inside had the address Brock had told me about, along with the ACTUAL money he mentioned we would have to help set us up for life and our new identities. 

We were going to start anew in Italy and I couldn't be happier although it's going to take us some time to process and move on from what all has happened today but at least she has agreed to stay with me and take a chance on a new life together. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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