CHAPTER 6: Three Day Weekend

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For the next couple of weeks things seemed to have been getting better for me and Calista and less awkward intense moments.

It seems almost like we have started all over again and getting to know more and more about each other.

I know it's bad to mix business and pleasure but I have been thinking of this girl for way too long to not try and make things work and get her to see not just how sorry I was for back then but most importantly that I am not the same asshole as I was years ago.

Today in particular was a Saturday and also, a three-day weekend that she seemed to have taken off.

When I woke up, I looked down at my phone and saw I had a missed message from her dad so I went out onto the balcony to call him back.

"It's about time you called me back. Why didn't you message me yesterday to tell me what was going on?!" He exclaims.

"I'm sorry. We were busy running all over the place doing errands and I guess I just forgot." I explain.

"That's alright I guess. It's just one day. Anyways, I called because I wanted to see how she was but also, need to know if you have noticed anyone at all that looks suspicious." He mentions.

"Not so far. I mean there were a few but they turned out to be nothing." I report to him.

"Good." He says.

"And she's good. She has taken this weekend off actually and as far as I know, she doesn't plan on going out or anything." I tell him.

"Alright. Good. Well I will talk with you later, I have a meeting to get to." He says.

"Is everything alright Sir?" I ask him after noticing that his tone is a little more down and different than usual.

"I'm fine. Just make sure to take care of her and not let her out of your site, EVER." He proclaims.

"Of course." I replied still feeling a bit odd about his tone of voice.

After I get off the phone with him I start to head back inside the apartment and as soon as I close the sliding glass door behind me, I see Calista is finishing stirring her coffee at the small round table then taking a sip out of it.

"Good morning." I smile at her.

"Morning." She replies.

"That was your dad." I tell her.

"Is he okay?" She asks.

"Yeah. He had to get to a meeting and asked how you were." I tell her as I walk over to pour myself some coffee and sat down in across the table from her.

"Pff. Yeah right." She scoffs before taking another drink from her mug.

"Listen, I know it's none of my business but what exactly has your dad ever done to you to make you feel this way towards him- Besides the illegal/criminal thing he's a part of." I tell her before taking a drink from my mug.

"It's just that he wasn't ever there for me. After witnessing my mother dying all because he made the choice to associate himself with those assholes. Not to mention he has recently endangered my life as well." She says with much disdain.

"I'm sorry I asked." I tell her in a sincere way.

"Yeah well, remember that you need to stay out of my business." She states and gets up then heads towards her room and shuts the door.

Damnit! I never meant to upset her or anything. I really was just wanting to know but I guess that she's right, I need to stay out of her business.

I felt bad and wanted to make it up to her. So I decided that because it was a three day weekend, that maybe we could get out of town. Relax and get away from here where she can truly relax.

Not sure if she'll go for it or not or even what she will think but I hope she realizes it's a friendly gesture and no matter what, I would get two bedrooms wherever it was.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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