CHAPTER 5: Our Business

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Last night had been a little awkward at first but then we ate and watched some TV together before falling asleep. 

After waking up this morning then getting dressed and all already for work, I had given him quick information on what I do. 

I had forgotten about trying to think up of a story to tell my boss and co-workers about having to have him here watching me until after I walked to my station and he was right next to me. 

"You can't be literally next to me the entire time." I tell him. 

"Where else can I be?" He asks all smart ass sounding. 

"You can sit in the lobby. You'll still have full range in seeing me, just don't harass anybody." I tell him. 

"I'll try not to." He winks and smiles at me while getting up and walking over towards the lobby. 

"Hey doll face." I hear my co-worker greet me with a big smile as she sets up at her station that's located right next to mine. 

"Hey Saline." I greet her back. 

"So what's with the hottie? Is he your boyfriend or something?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows up and down. 

"Oh god no." I replied. 

"Then who is he and why is he hanging out here?" She asks curiously. 

"I'll tell you later. It's complicated right now to explain and I need to get ready for a client." I tell her. 

Alright but I want to hear everything." She winks at me flirtatiously. 

I just roll my eyes and shake my head while I next go and get my first client. 

The day seemed to be going smoothly and almost would forget he was here other than when I'd occasionally look over to catch him looking at me or would get my clients from the lobby. 

Then right after I cleaned up my station then grabbed my purse to begin leaving, I noticed my boss was talking with him and smiled as she looked at me-what the hell did he tell her?!?

I waited until after we got into the car that I asked him. 

"What exactly were you and my boss talking about?" I asked. 

"Nothing bad." He shrugs. 

"Then what was said?" I asked as I began to pull away from the curb. 

"She asked me why I was there and was curious also in who I was to you." He states. 

"You told her you were my cousin, right?" I ask. 

"Not exactly." He says. 

"What does that mean?"

"It means that I didn't tell her we were related." He assures me. 

"Come on, don't be an ass! What did you say?" I asked again more assertively. 

"Calm down girl, damn." He chuckles. "What does it matter in what I said?!" He asks with a cocked eyebrow. 

"Because this isn't just some random strangers, these are people I work with and see almost everyday." I remind him. 

"I told her that I was your bodyguard." He smirks. 

"Oh my god, why?" I asked irritated. 

"Because it's the truth. Don't worry though, she thinks it's because your dad hired me to protect you because of an ex-boyfriend that's out looking for you." He says as his phone goes off from a text. 

He unlocks the phone and then rolls his eyes before putting it back into his pocket. We share a moment of silence briefly before I become nosy. 

"Was that your girlfriend or something?" I ask. 

"Jealous?" He asks while looking at me out the corner of his eye.

"I could care less. Just asking." 

"I thought we weren't getting into the each other's business?!" He says. 

"I said you can't with me. Never did we agree that with you." I tell him. 

The car ride back to the apartment was interesting as I decided I didn't want to say anything else to him at the moment, so we listened to some music by P!NK. 

I do appreciate what he told her in a way because he didn't necessarily lie as far as my dad hiring him to protect me goes. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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