CHAPTER 18: We Shall See.....

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While we were driving, I started thinking about the new life we were going to have to make for ourselves and identities. Speaking if which, I had wondered what my passport looked like.

So I opened the envelope and took both mine and his and looked at my picture.

It seems like technology came in very handy as I can tell his cousin has taken a picture of me and photo shopped it enough to look not only realistic but a lot like me but not. If that even makes sense. Lol.

"Thank you." I hear Harvey say to me.

"For what?" I ask.

"For staying with me and not leaving or going to the police." He says.

"Of course. I told you I loved you. Besides, you have proven several times to me already how much you have changed and how much you care and love me." I smile at him.

"I'm glad you can see." He smiles back at me.

We continue to drive until we get to a stop light after pulling off the road to stop by for gas.

While I waited and as he started pumping. I realized I had to go to the bathroom so I got out and told him and he watched as I went in and asked for the key from the employee inside and started making my way back into the bathroom.

After I was finished, I started washing my hands and as soon as I opened up the door, I gasped as I saw a tall big man in front of me grab my arm and yank me hard out the door.

While on our way out of the place, I looked over and saw that the employee had been shot in the head and laid dead now over the counter.

Then as soon as we had gotten outside, I saw a couple of men hold onto Harvey with a gun under his chin and looked like they had hit him really good.

Then a man from a car that was behind ours, came out and walked up towards me with a weird uncomfortable smile.

"Hello Calista. I'm Harvey's Uncle. We need to talk." He says casually.

Before any of us could say anything, I was shoved into the backseat of his car while Harvey was shoved in the backseat of the car we were in then Harvey's Uncle started heading out in front of the other one then that one began to follow right behind us.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I never get tired of hearing those cliche questions." He smirks.

"Whatever you have with my father has nothing to do with me or Harvey." I tell him.

"Actually, it does have something to do with you. You see, your father asked me years ago to help him out financially. The deal was to pay me back in full plus interest after his business kicked off. However, he has yet to pay me back the interest. And since he INSISTS on playing games with me, I figure what's the best way to get him to pay me back finally, is you." He grins.

"I have nothing to do with my father. So you and him can go to hell. I'd rather die than to see what you have in store for me." I spit at him while his guy still grips onto my arm.

"Trust me, you'll be changing your mind very soon. In the meantime, enjoy your nap." He states as he lights up a cigarette and I suddenly feel a sharp prick in my neck and am being injected with stuff that's quickly putting me to sleep.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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