CHAPTER 2: I'm Going To Enjoy This

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Today was the first day of a new chapter of my life. A brand new start with the girl who I have always regretted bullying in school and have wanted to be with for a long time.

I don't expect her to forgive me or ever hear me out. However, I met her father a couple years ago in hopes at first to try and work for him in being his bodyguard and that way I would be able to see Calista again and every day. However, I was disappointed after hearing that she has had nothing to do with him for a while BECAUSE of the trouble he had gotten himself into at the time.

I still knew that one day I would have to see her again and decided that since I was needing a job and was willing to do whatever, I took the job to protect him.

Recently though he has asked if I would protect his daughter because of the recent mess he has gotten himself into and fears that they will go after his daughter.

I was upset at first for ever putting his daughter's life in danger but after hearing the guilt in his voice and the look on his face also, I could tell he was regretful and punishing himself enough that he didn't need me telling him that.

So I took the job and now was on my way to see her and to be honest, I was feeling a little bit nervous. So many emotions were running through my body and many thoughts in my mind.

Then the moment after opening the door to the place he asked me to meet them at and the instance I saw her turn around and look at me it was like one of those special slow motion type moments you see in the movies where everyone and everything else disappears.

I started to smirk at her and could tell she wasn't too happy in seeing me as I approached them and seemed to be objective right away. not afraid to say what she felt. Which that must be new because she never reacted that way.

"I can't believe you." She scowls at her father.

"What? He said that you both went to school together." Her father replies.

"Yeah but it's not like we were friends or hanging out or anything." She snaps at him.

Her father let's out a sigh of frustration as he pinched the bridge of his nose before then looking back at her.

"Look, I understand this isn't ideal for you but listen, he is one of the best bodyguards I have ever had protect me." He tries reassuring her.

"Well then why are you leaving him with me?" She asks.

"Because he's the best and I will be fine. I have my other guys. Now please don't protest or argue with me. Just let him protect you and make sure you don't give him a hard time." He tells her.

"You are something else." She shakes her head at him. "You never got the hint years ago that I wanted nothing to do with you and all your crazy schemes or business bullshit neither or whatever you call them?! Now this!"

"Calista..." He starts.

Then before she gets a chance to say something nasty to him I interrupt and stop her.

"You really have no say in this Calista, so you might as well just deal with it." I tell her firmly.

She snaps her head towards me and glares with daggers coming out of her eyes.

"I wasn't speaking to you!" She snaps at me.

I must admit that I do like her feisty attitude just as much as I'm still in love with that smile of hers and those thick sexy curves she has.

This is going to be fun and a very interesting assignment.....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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