CHAPTER 17: Our Next Destination

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All of this still has me in disbelief to a certain extent that all of this is really happening. Although of course it does help that I am here with Harvey. 

We had ditched the car in some random field and hid it in between tall trees that was located several miles away from the bus stop. 

It was the furthest I had ever walked non-stop and really made me realize in just how out-of-shape I was. He had offered or us to rest but I knew our time was limited right now and we needed to hurry and get to the bus stop. 

After getting there, Harvey paid for the tickets with cash of course and then we waited on one of the benches for the Greyhound bus to come. In which it was due in half an hour the man who gave us our tickets had said. 

While sitting down, he put his arm around me and had me rest my head on his shoulder. 

"You okay?" He asks. 

"Yeah. Ill be fine," I tell him as I wrap my arms around his waist. 

When the bus pulled up, we got on and I ended up falling asleep with my head once again, on his shoulder. 

Several hours had passed and I heard Harvey gently wake me up with a few kisses. 

"We're here my love." He tells me. 

I look out the window while I yawn and wake up a little bit and notice it's night time. 

"Wow, I didn't think it would be dark by the time we got here." I tell him. 

"Well, the driver had to make a few stops, so it delayed the original time." He informs me. 

We then start making our way off the bus holding hands then we start walking down the road a ways. Great, more walking.

"How far away is this place?" I asked trying not to sound whiny. 

"Just two miles. Don't worry, he'll have a car waiting for us." He assures me. 

"I'm sorry." I tell him feeling a bit embarrassed. 

"For what?" He asks. 

"For not being in good enough shape to travel." I tell him. 

"Hey." He starts to tell me while stopping and lifts my chin up to look at him. "What did I tell you about you ever talking about yourself that way?!?" He asks me. 

"But I just...." I began to try and respond but he cut me off. 

"Nope. No talking bad about yourself." He says. 

"Alright." I finally agree. 

He gives me a quick kiss on the lips before we continue walking. 

We finally get to the place and I have to admit that it looks like a rustic place and very manly. A little bit abandoned and unkempt looking but not too bad but very nice too. 

When we walked inside it was almost like walking into a new world. Things looked to be dated back from as early as the fifties or at least that's what a lot of the decor on the walls looked like, including the wallpaper and furniture throughout the place. Then there were things that seemed to be dated up until recent. 

Before I could ask about the idea behind this 'playhouse for adults' themed home, he already began to tell me. 

"I know it's not much and a little confusing I bet. Brock and I found this place though back when we were Freshmen in high school and we just added to what was already here. We wanted to keep the history of this house that was supposedly built in the early fifties and looked pretty rundown and a bit abandoned but the time we found it-more than it does now actually. Then eventually we just made it our own and added even more history to it. We always liked the nostalgic things." He laughs a little. 

"I love it." I tell him. 

We share a brief moment together before he quickly heads up towards to one of the rooms and hurries back downstairs with an envelope that had some money, passports and I'm assuming the address in it. 

Next we head out to the car and he tells me that the rest of the money will be at the final destination we'll be heading towards next. 

He hands me the envelope and we start taking off in the car Brock had seemed to have left for us. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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