CHAPTER 11: Tell Me NOW!

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So much for my plan in 'wanting to take things slow' I know, but I couldn't resist anymore. Then the way he was so dominant made me just lose it.

Last night was an amazing night. Not just with the obvious in my fantasy coming true but also, the date was really nice. I was impressed overall.

This morning after we both woke up, we made some breakfast together and ate at the  table next to each other with both of us having smiles on our faces.

Then right as he looked he was going to say something, I heard his cell phone go off beside him on the table and assumed it was my dad.

He answered it and then quickly.dropped his smile and replaced it with a scowl before getting up and walking into another room.

Oh well, I guess he will tell me anyways what him and my father are talking about. Which doesn't make any sense why he won't talk about anything in front of me here but whatever.

I grab our dishes and begin walking over towards the sink to wash them. After finishing up, I heard a door open up then hearing his shoes walking hard towards the kitchen.

"Is everything okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah. But um, I have to go out for a couple hours. I'll be back." He says.

"What? Wouldn't my father want to see us both?" I ask him.

"That wasn't your dad. It was my uncle. I haven't seen him in a long time and he wanted to come over but I don't want him to so, I need to meet up with him and will be back. Stay here." He says.

"You're freaking me out. Do you not want him to meet me or something? Is this gonna be one of THOSE kind of relationships?" I asked.

"No. Of course not. It isn't YOU, it's him that I don't want others to meet. I'll explain everything later when I get back." He says as he grabs his jacket and comes up to give me a quick kiss on the lips and then leaves.

What the hell just happened?!? If my father is involved with the Mafia, then what does his Uncle do that is worse than that? Unless he just has an Uncle that's a dick and embarrasses him.

It doesn't matter really. It's none of my business and he'll tell me if he wants to.

While I wait for him to come back, I take a little mini tour around the cottage and even though it isn't huge, I like it because it's simple and yet, the antiques and the look that his grandparents have put into it is amazing and tells a story.

I eventually make myself some tea and sit down on the couch while watching some TV for a bit then take out my tablet and begin to play some games on it until eventually I end up falling asleep and taking a little nap.

When I wake up a few hours later, I take a look around and see that it's close to night time but I notice quickly that Harvey isn't back yet and I look down at my phone and see that he hasn't tried messaging me or calling me yet.

So I get up and look to see what to make for dinner and start pulling things out then begin cooking.

Right as soon as I get to plating the food, I hear the door open and quickly shut as Harvey walks fast towards the bathroom.

I feel like something is wrong so I start following after him and when I get into the bathroom I stop in the doorway when I see him trying to clean up under his eye that is bleeding.

"Oh my god what happened?!" I asked.

"It's nothing. I'm okay." He says as if it's no big deal.

"Don't do that. What happened?" I asked with a serious look on my face in a serious tone along with my arms crossed over my chest.

He looks at me through the mirror then turns to face me.

"Alright. I will tell you everything." He says as he takes me into the living room and starts to explain.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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