CHAPTER 8: Want To Make You Feel Wanted

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After putting away the last of the groceries, I stood up and turned to see Calista walking slowly by the TV where my grandparents have a collection of pictures and books along with DVD's.

I can't help but check her out. I want her so bad and want to kiss her even but I'm not sure she would like that. I'm not sure she'd be comfortable.

So I start to walk over to her and try to get my mind off spinning her around to face me so I could give her a kiss.

"Those were my grandparents when they were teenagers." I tell her as I notice her looking with admiration and a smile on her face.

"They look like they're in love." She comments.

"They were. They are still. They've been married for over forty years." I tell her.

"That's so nice. Romantic even. I bet they'd be like the couple in The Notebook." She smiles.

"They pretty much are like that. They're in love with each other no less then when they first met each other." I tell her.

"That's so sweet." She replies.

I take another moment to look at her and smile. Then she turns her head to look at me.

"What?" She starts to ask.

"Nothing." I reply.

We stand there for a moment longer.

"So what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know. I'm feeling a little hungry, what about you?" I ask her.

"Me too." She says.

"What sounds good?" I ask.

Then I begin noticing that we have somehow seemed to have moved closer to each other and are now looking into each other's eyes.

The next thing I know, I notice my hand slowly raise up to brush the side of her face as I continue looking into her eyes and her hand touches the side of my face while our heads get closer and closer until both our lips gently touch each other's.

This is what I have waited for so long to do with her.

I can't pull away. I don't want to neither. This was it. Then I heard my phone go off. Normally thinking it's her father or something I would answer it but not this time. So I put it on silent without looking at it and set it onto the mantle beside us then pulled her head closer to me and started kissing her.

She began kissing me back and wrapping both her arms around my neck as I did with mine around her waist. 

My tongue parts her lips for access that she right away granted and we were making out with each other for a few moments without worrying or even thinking about anything and or anyone else.

When we pulled our heads apart a little to catch our breaths, we couldn't help but smile at one another.

"I've wanted to do that for so long." I tell her.

"I've wanted you to also for a long time." She replies.

"I'm so sorry for everything in the past that I ever did or said even. I truly never meant to hurt you like I did." I tell her.

"It's okay. I forgave you a long time ago. Just don't hurt me now." She tells me.

I look into her eyes and shake my head a little bit. "Never again." I tell her.

I wish I could tell her more things that may or may not help her understand me and my life more. But I can't right now. I can't ruin this chance I have with her.

So I head off into the kitchen and begin cooking us something to eat before we sit down at the table and eat together.

The air surrounding us seemed less hostile and uncomfortable. Nothing was awkward and we both seemed to be sort of on the same page in a way.

"So, if all we had was this weekend to be together, what would you want to do?" She asks.

"Honestly?" I ask.

"Of course." She smiles.

"I'd want to show you how much I love you and always have as well as want you. In fact, I want to make you feel wanted more than anyone has ever made you feel. I want to be like those guys in your favorite stories I noticed you read back in school by Nicholas Sparks. I want you to feel how much I need you." I tell her and as soon as I finished, I could tell her eyes were starting to water and she felt happy yet shocked and surprised at what I had just said.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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