CHAPTER 14: What The Fuck?!?

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This is a mess and it's all her fathers fault not to mention my Uncle's and now there's a chance that we will both die here.

I swear, why the hell does bad shit happen to good people? Is this my karma for what I did many years ago to her? If so, why punish her also at the same time?!

I try to hurry and think of what to do as we sit on the floor beside of the bed facing the door and away from the window trying to not only think about IF we get out of here but also HOW to get out of this alive. This can't be the way it ends with her and I.

"What are we gonna do? Are we gonna die?" She asks me.

"No. I won't let anything happen to you." I promise her.

"What do we do though? We can't go out the window and we can't leave out the door." She starts to cry.

"I know, but..." I started to try and calm her down but we got suddenly interrupted by a loud pounding on the door.

I try and hurry to think of a way to get us out of here and the only option I can really think of is out the window. So I hurry and look out the window cautiously and notice that there is actually nobody outside shooting anymore as I guess they have all come in here by now.

Before I open the window and attempt to start heading outside, I remember how I had put a gun underneath the bed the other night before we had left just in case moments like this happened actually.

As soon as I pull it out and cock it to prepare and shoot for in case anyone tries anything when I try and head out, I'm prepared.

"When did you have time to put that there?!" She asks.

"A couple of days before we left for the last few days. But it doesn't matter right now, we need to try and get the hell out of here." I exclaim.

"I agree but once again, people were shooting from outside." She says.

"I know that but I am sure they have all come up here by now. Besides, we are running out of options." I tell her.

So I open the window, take another look down below before stepping out onto the little balcony for the fire escape and then turn and help her outside.

She then gets behind me and we try and duck down while going as quickly as we can down the steps.

Next we hear gunshots firing from above us and I quickly stop as we run to the next set of stairs and look up to start shooting at the person before continuing to run down the stairs behind Calista.

We then climb down the ladder and jump onto the ground then I take her hand and we begin running to one of the cars that I knew belonged to one of my Uncle's guys and had her get in after I quickly noticed nobody was in there.

We immediately had bullets ricochet off the car from the men shooting from both upstairs and the men now running out of the apartment building towards us as well but was able to speed off in time.

Every sharp turn I made on the next few corners before finally getting onto the freeway, I could tell scared the hell out of Calista as she already was shaken up by all of this, not to mention her father is still back there.

"I can't believe this is happening." I hear her say through some sniffles.

"I'm sorry. I never thought things would go this far." I began to apologize.

"So was I part of the plan the entire time?" She asks.

"No. Like I mentioned back there, I turned down my Uncle and was never going to allow you or even your father to get hurt. And I know he's your dad and all but he did make a deal with my uncle that resulted in what you just witnessed back there." I start to tell her.

"And what is it exactly he made a deal for?" She asks with her eyes red and puffy from crying so much.

"Him and my Uncle made a deal years ago that had involved your dad stealing from him and for breaking some sort of a deal with my uncle that resulted in my aunt getting killed by accident." I explain.

"Your aunt? Your uncle was married?" She asks.

"Yes. And I was very close to my aunt." I tell her.

"Are you saying my father shot your aunt?" She asks.

"Yes. And I know this because I was there when he pulled the trigger after they argued. Your dad meant to shoot my uncle but she was in the way and he shot her by accident supposedly. After that moment, I hated him. I meant what I said before about why I was cruel to you because I didn't want the same thing to happen to you as it did my Aunt but another reason was because I took out some of my anger on you since you were his daughter." I shamefully confess.

It's silent for a moment and I don't blame her for hating me now. Then out of nowhere, I feel a hard slap on the side of my face causing me to swerve a little before getting back into the lines.

"What the fuck?!" I snapped at her.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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