CHAPTER 13: The Lies We Tell

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The day had come where Harvey and I had to return back to my apartment.

When we arrived, as soon as we had walked inside, we saw my dad standing in the middle of the living room.

He looks at the both of us holding each other's hand then scowled at Harvey and looked disappointed in me.

"Dad..." I started but he stopped me.

"I don't want to hear about it. In fact, I don't care. What I care about is this asshole here lying and setting me up." He says as he glares at Harvey.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Of course you didn't tell her. You had the balls to sleep with my daughter but you didn't have the balls to tell her what's going on." He tells him.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Don't you dare pin your mistakes on me old man." Harvey says to my dad.

"What the hell is going on?!" I asked more demanding.

"Your boyfriend here has been playing us both all along. His uncle is the one who is after me and you." My dad says.

"What? Dad, it's....." I began to say but he stops me again.

"You are coming with me Calista." My dad says looking at me then looks back at Harvey. "And as for you. If you ever contact my daughter again, you will regret it. You have no idea what you have done." He tells him.

"And neither do you. You're so quick to judge others Sir but yet too damn afraid to admit your own mistakes. My uncle did tell me he wanted me to hurt her and you. But I turned him down. I'm in love with your daughter Sir and there's nothing you can do to keep her away from me. Besides, why didn't you tell her about my uncle and the deal you made with him years ago?" Harvey states.

"He told you I was the one who made the deal?" My dad says.

Still they both are once again ignoring that I am even here. However, I'm starting to think if that'a what him and his uncle talked about the other day.

They continue to argue with each other and that's when I start to say something.

"Hey!" I shout in between them then look at Harvey. "Is that why you went to see your uncle the other day?" I asked him.

He looked at me apologetically. To which I guess that's my answer.

"Yes." He says.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Because it doesn't matter. I told him no and also, I really hadn't talked to him for years." He says.

"You both can go to hell." I tell them after standing there with us sharing a moment of silence. Then I begin leaving.

"Wait! You can't go." Harvey says as he grabs my hand and turns me to face him.

"Let go of me!" I snap.

"I said don't you fucking touch my daughter!" My dad shouts as him and the guys he brought with him come and pry Harvey off of me.

The next thing that happens shocked us all as we heard one of my windows break then quickly notice there are gunshots going off.

They were coming from outside and Harvey had immediately pulled me off to the side and covered me.

"What is happening?!" I yelled over the gunfire.

"It's my uncle. I know it is. We have ti try and get out of here." He tells me.

"But how? Apparently the only exit is through the door or the window and I don't think either one is good." I point out.

"Trust me. I know everything is shitty right now and you may think twice about me at the moment but right now, I need for you to trust me and get you some place safe." He tells me as he holds the side of my face.

I nod in agreement and smile at him then he gives me a quick kiss on the lips and he takes a quick look around before taking my hand and we cautiously yet fairly quickly begin making our way into my bedroom.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Sorry it took me a while to post for this story and the new story coming out in a couple of weeks called 'Shy VS Dominant'. Yes there will be some adult situations but of course some love and drama. There's a storm that has arrived here at where I am at and my WIFI had been going in and out so sorry it took me a while. But here is this chapter and then a sneak peek to my new story and because it's Wednesday, I will post later today. :) love you all!! :):)

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