CHAPTER 16: Everything'll Be Alright

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I wasn't in the shower very long before I felt the gentle hands of the woman I was in love with as she started to apologize. Then I heard her tell me 'I love you' like she hasn't before.

I turned around and took hold of her face.

"I love you more than anything too, Calista. And I don't blame or hate you or anything like that for saying what you did. I deserved it. And believe me, I know this is tough for you to deal with right now but I need for you to understand something." I began.

"Okay." She nods in agreement.

"I need for you to understand that it's really mostly you and me now. We can't trust anybody else and we can't let them find us neither." I explain.

"I understand." She says in agreement as she throws her arms around my neck and we lean to start kissing one another passionately.

Afterwards, we laid down and fell asleep in each others arms.

The Next Morning

After we woke up, I had checked my phone real fast to see if my cousin had replied to my message I sent him late last night asking if he would be able to meet up somewhere and hopefully help us out. So we get dressed and begin heading towards his house.

"So where are we going to now?" She asks.

"My cousin, Brock's place. It's safe and he lives in a secluded place." I explain to her.

"Oh, okay." She says sounding a little nervous as I see she's starting to fidget with her hands on her lap.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"It's just, I don't know. I feel bad that we are having to involve people that have nothing to do with any of this." She says.

I take hold of her hand and bring the back of her hand to my lips to place a gentle kiss on it.

"Baby, he knows how my life is and also knows who you are already." I try and assure her.

"How?" I asked.

"Who else do you think kicked my ass and helped me become a better man to going after you." I wink and smile at her.

She smiles at me then leans over to give me a kiss.

"I love you." She tells me.

"I love you too." She tells me.

We drive along for a few hours and are only a couple of hours away when I hear my phone start to go off.

I look at the screen built-in the car indicating it's my cousin. So I answer it by putting him on speaker.

"Hey Brock! What's going on? We're only a couple hours away." I tell him.

"They know." I hear him struggle to say before I next hear him wince and gasp in pain.

"Brock, what the fuck happened?! Are you alright?" I asked worried.

"They knew you guys would come. Don't come here. Go to the place we used to go to when we were little." He struggles again to tell me.

"But...." I started and he cut me off.

"Don't but me cousin. I have left you more than enough money and a couple passports. When you can, make sure you leave and take the both of you to the address I left in there. I swear, that will be a place that them or no one will ever find you." He coughs deeply before saying another word. "I love you man." He says before he gasps the last couple of breaths and I next heard the cell phone drop out of his hand then hit the floor.

"Brock?! Brock?!" I yell for him to answer but doesn't and I pull over for a minute and end the call.

I sit there for a moment in silence and let go of her hand for a moment before gripping the steering wheel then next punching it a few times really hard and yelling out.

He was like my best friend and the only family I had left in my life. I can't believe they got to him. Fuck, we can't seem to catch a break.

"Baby?" I hear Calista ask concerned.

I fight back the tears and then look at her.

"Change of plans. We're gonna go some place and grab something before leaving to a more permanent spot, like he said. It's gonna take us a day but we need to take the bus and after we arrive, we'll leave to the address he has." I tell her as calmly as I can.

"I'm sorry about your cousin." She says with hurt in her voice.

"It's okay. All that matters is that you are safe." I remind her.

"We both will be." She says with a smile.

I then hurry and turn around then have her look up the nearest bus stop. I'm gonna find a way though to ditch the car and not leave it there but miles away then we will walk towards the bus.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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