5| Dr. Dolan.

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I am a virgin, yes you heard me, I am. And it's sad when everyone around you is experienced, even people much younger than you.

I was having abrupt menstrual cycles so I had to visit a gynecologist, and today she'll ask me so many questions related to sex and all of their answer will be NO. Right in capitals 'N' 'O'.

I woke up from my nap at 5 probably stressing out. I am always scared to see a doctor, I don't know why. My appointment was at 8, so it was way too early.

I decided to kill time on my phone and after few minutes on my phone it was suddenly 7:30. What? How did that happen?

But it happens every time, I am on my phone for 3 hours and I feel like it's been few minutes. Never mind.

~time skip at the clinic.~

I was still sitting in the parking lot in my car. I arrived 7 minutes ago. What the hell. It's nothing, I should behave like an adult and go inside.

I walked inside the clinic. The environment making me wanna throw up. I sat on the couch in the waiting area quietly.

"Kaisey Pearson you can go inside."

I fidgeted with my dress and then gathered all my strength to enter the room. I see a guy, pardon I see a Male aphrodite sitting on the chair.

"Sorry, wrong room."
I peeked outside and walked to the blonde receptionist.

"I had an appointment with the gynecologist."

"Yes Ma'am. It's that room."
She pointed to the same room. Wtf. I'm screwed. This is the worst and most embarrassing day of my whole existence.

"Its a guy?"

"Yes Ma'am."

Oh boy, I'm gonna pee. I nervously opened the door again and entered the room.

"Oh thought you got the wrong room." He smiled.

"Guess I was wrong."

" So Kaisey. Isn't it? I'm Ethan."

"Ya, Kaisey.. Hi."

"So what's the problem."

"I'm having irregular periods." He casually nodded and noted something in his papers.

"Uh huh. How long it has been."

"Three months." His eyes looked at me and then down on my boobs. Like Seriously?


"So are you sexually active?" Our eyes met.

"No." I shook my head.

"What about three months earlier?"

"No." He pushed his eyebrows together as he continues staring at me. Involuntarily, I bite my bottom lip. His jaw was now clenched and then he cleared his throat.

"I have to check you. Can you lay down there?"

"Uh.. okay."

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