12| Marriage.

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(A/n: hi. Okay so this will be different. I know this is  a smut book but i had this idea so i wanted to write some fluff as well.

So this imagine is gonna be in 3 parts and its all fluff do tell me if you need a smut as part 4.

Lastly thanks for the reads on this book, we hit 4k. Love you. Now back to business.)

Its Sophie's wedding and I am excited for her. She was my best friend since school. Not that we expected that the first marriage of our friends group will be Sophie's.

Anyway its been 2 years and those days are still so fresh like, it happened yesterday. We all were friends since kindergarten, me, sophie, my sister ava, tony, martin, ethan and grayson. All of us were inseparable. I wish everything was like kindergarten and we never grew up. But unfortunately we did. All of us grew up and you know people around you start getting into relationships. That's what happened.

We didn't know Martin liked Sophie from the very start. In second semester of college Martin confessed his feelings but it was too late. Sophie liked some jock at our college. I'm glad he wasn't a dick cause she is marrying him now, Jason. But that was the last day Martin talked to Sophie and who can blame him maybe he wanted to stay away from her so that he can move on. On the other hand, tony was gay and got into a relationship with a guy who lived in his block. Ava and Gray fell in love and they are still together.

And me. Well, I had this huge crush on Ethan and turns out he liked me too. So we both were together for the time we were in high school plus two years in college. When we confronted eachother and talked about how we both felt it was great. Everything was perfect. Time passed and we both became so dependent on eachother. And i fell in love. But i guess he never did.

I still think about him a lot, its been 2 years I have passed college but I didn't date anyone in this time.

I moved to New York, thought change will be good for me. Ava still lives in LA considering her job is there, and so is Gray.

I still remember the day when Gray asked her out, it was our senior year of high school. Me and Ethan were now together for two years and we were beyond happy for them. Everyone thought that we will get married first but here we are miles apart living our lives differently and living a future without eachother.

He promised he will be with me, you know in my future but things sometimes don't turn out how you want them to be.

I was currently on a flight to LA for the wedding, tony is also flying from Washington. Martin somehow agreed on coming to the wedding with his fiance. Gray and Ava are already there, and i don't know whats going on in Ethan's life. I occasionally go through his social media to check. Last i know he was with this blonde girl at a beach, that's it. It bothers me no doubt but its his life.

(after the flight.)

I walk out of the airport to see Gray and Ava waiting for me.

"Guys you should have stayed with Sophie, i would have called an uber."

"You are home after two fucking years, we wanted to pick you."

I gave them both a hug. They were so welcoming and nice. But here's the thing, i can't look at Gray without thinking about Ethan. Come on, he is his twin and Ethan and Grayson always rolls off my tongue together.

We drive to our house, Ava lives here all by herself now. Earlier we lived here together. Grayson left for his home, thank God. And now me and Ava were all by ourselves.

I walk inside my room looking at every detail, it was still the same. The posters still up.

"I clean the room once in a while. But i don't change anything. Wishing you would come back soon."

"Hm. Its better there you know away from the memories."


"So how are you and Gray?"

"We are completely fine anddd" She said dragging the last word and showing me a ring.

"Holy shit, he proposed?" I covered my mouth with my hands.

"Its a promise ring."

"I'm happy for you guys." I hugged her tightly.

"So what are you wearing for today's party."

"There's a party before the wedding?"

"Yes, you didn't know?"

"No. Nobody told me."

"Its like a reunion party, people from school are invited and also from your college since you and sophie were in the same."

"this will be so awkward specially the people from school. We all have grown up so much."


"But i didn't get anything for today so i'm stealing something from your wardrobe."

"God, i missed this so much."

We both laughed together.

(at the party.)

Both of us reached Sophie's door, lots of cars were parked around. Then Ava's phone started going off. She talks on the phone, then looks at you.

"Gray is waiting at the entrance for us."

"Oh, okay. Let's go."

"One more thing, i love new York, it made you learn how to wear dresses otherwise the old (y/n) will be wearing sweatpants to a party."

"The old me didn't give a fuck about what people would say."

"Yep, that's true."

"Now lets go before your boyfriend texts you for the fiftieth time." I say hearing the ding on her phone again.

We walked to the door and there he was standing next to Grayson, He has changed, he has grown some beard. His hair looks a little short. His eyes looks the same. Nothing has changed.

I didn't realize that i slowed down after watching him, glad both gray and him were looking the other way. I can't face him, not yet.

I quickly pulled out my phone and called Dave, he is my friend in new york.

"Ah, ava you go ahead i'll join you in a second." I say putting the phone to my ear.

"You sure you don't want me to wait. And it isn't about him. I seriously didn't know he was with Gray."

"No, no no, its not about him. You go inside. I'll be there in a minute."

I walked to the lawn and fortunately Dave picked up. I just talked to him about random things.

Its been some time, should i go inside?

A/n: Vote please.

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