9|The fight.

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"So you are angry on me just because I talked to a girl."

"A girl, please be fucking specific your ex girlfriend who wants you back."

"But I don't."

" it looked completely different from what I saw. You were smiling and all giggly in front of her. You are never like that with me."

"You need to stop over reacting."

"Ethan you lied to me. For the very first time, you lied to me about meeting with her on almost all weekends and you told me you were with Gray."

He walked away and stood with his back towards me. Then he let out a breathy sigh.

"You can fucking tell me if you are done being in a relationship with me. You don't have to lie and please don't fucking cheat. I have been through that before."

"I'm out. I'm going home." He sternly replied and turned to walk out the door.

"Home. Wow."

He was walking away, he didn't even look at me. He didn't realize that he was taking all the memories, half of which belonged to me.

Each step out was bringing me to the ground. I was going to breakdown but I was not ready to give up . Not just yet. He was walking out of the place which he called home the very first day we moved in.


"So you like the place." He stood behind me wrapping his hand around my waist. His head rested in the crook of my neck.

"I love it E. It's so pretty." I replied with a never fading smile.

"Its yours." He said.

"Its ours." I corrected him.

"Yep our little home." He smiled the placed a soft kiss on my neck.


Was this it? Was it actually over? Did the dream just end?

This was just too much. This was our first fight and first time ever Ethan has ever lied to me. He was never like this. Tears started rolling down my face when I realised what just happened.


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