Dragon's awakening

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The thoughts consumed the mind and when the lights of the day in light the room Sansa was standing there awake in her bed. She didn't manage a lot of sleep last night after everything that happened and since her brother was arriving that day she decided to get off her heavy covers and get dressed.

After long maids leaving her room and she was already heading downstairs. She found Arya in the main hall siting on the table. "Arya,i didn't knew you are already up." She gave her a tired smile and sat on the head of the table. The hall was empty. Jon had earlier his breakfast on his room and left to meet the head guards outside. She sighed and remain silent watching before her with vacant glare.

"What's wrong, Sansa?" Arya studied her face closely. "Forgive me my honesty, but you look awful. Tired. What troubles you, sister?"

She blinked awkwardly looking around for a moment then turn to her sister. What to tell and what to hold,she thought. "I didn't had much of sleep last night and my head hurts." Partly the truth but not entirely. "How are you did you got some rest?"

"Yes, I did sister," she narrowed her eyes on her, opening mouth, when heavy footsteps echoed from a hallway. Coming closer, when James appeared in the doorway and approached to both ladies. "Your Grace, Princess," he nodded his head. "Any chance you know, where is my sister?" He asked, keeping his eyes way too long on Sansa.

"In stables, perhaps?" Arya, who glanced from one to another pensively, made him to look at her

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"In stables, perhaps?" Arya, who glanced from one to another pensively, made him to look at her.

"Stables," he repeated her words, like he tried to realize, why did she even say that.

Sansa eyes fall down immediately and close for a brief moment until she rose her face again watching him. "Your sister." Sansa explained in low voice. "She's probably there." She cleaned her throat and since she didn't had anything before her she took Arya's cup and have a sip from her water. It was like everything that happened last night was playing on her mind again the moment he walked in.

"That's m.." Arya swallowed the word, looking curiously at them both, peeking from ranger to queen.

He was glaring at her and for some reason, she avoid his every attempt to meet with his glance. "Maybe you should go and take a look there," Arya spoke again.

"Yes, indeed," he answeted without looking at her. "Excuse me," he cleared his throat and slowly turned, leaving.

She sighed quietly in relief. The intense moment seemed never ending. "Ahh forgive me.." she returns the cup. "I thought it was mine." She apologized to Arya. Although she could tell from her look that she has a number of questions to ask.

"Any chance you could explain that weird atmosphere, sister?" Arya asked, holding crooked smile.

"What do you mean?" Sansa turns to her at once feeling her heart ready to blast.

"I am not stupid, Sansa," she crossed her arms. "No sleep, trouble mind, headache and he couldn't get his eyes off of you, while you barely looked at him. Should I continue naming all the peculiar things, that I just witnessed?"

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