I found you

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Two dragons landed in the middle of nowhere. Mighty mountains surrounded them, same as the darkest night. One of them grey and white as snow, the other black, barely visible in the night. Their riders jumped down, looking around and dragons with a roar spread their wings and flew away. To hunt, to find something to eat during a long journey.

"I mean, they could help us with a fire," one of men sighed, shaking head, looking at the sky until dragons vanished. He grunted deeply and looked around, luckily there was a plenty of branches and dry grass, so making fire shouldn't be a problem, he thought.

The other smiled and took two sticks on his hands and tried to great flames as the others scratch the rocks to lit the spark. And before they settle the fire was ready.
"They could but they don't want to..." The other man chuckled watching up at the sky. "Can't blame them they're hungry..they haven't eat for days.."

"Speaking of food," he showed empty bag and shrugged. "I hope, whatever they catch, they will share," he smirked and threw another vranch to fire, warming his hands. It didn't take more than 5 minutes and a doe landed behind them, craking of bones caught their attention. "Good boy," he chuckled and went for dead animal. They skinned animal, got rid of its guts and cut it to pieces. They were mostly silent, not that they didn't want to speak, yet it was nervousness, that made them to be more like lost in their minds. An hour later they were sitting by fire, eating roast meat.

The other man sighed after an hour of complete silence. He looked on his side on the other man and clean his throat. "It would be better if i meet him alone. You never know who's on the Watch now."

"There are two things, that didn't allow me to leave you alone," he cleared his throat, glancing at him. "I know. I will be invisible, I promise. I will stay in the woods, like we agreed. If you didn't come, I'd never enter that land, but... I'm so fucking curious."

"Curious?" He gave him a side look with a crooked smile. "If Tormund got more ginger or if the trees have changed?" He chuckled lazily shaking his head. "You have to be careful either way, we don't want any unfortunate meetings with the Lord of Wolfswoods." He smirked watching him. "You missed Rodrik, don't you?" He snorted laughing throwing a bone on the dragon that he grabbed on the air with his mouth.

"You sure his name is Rodrik? Because I'd swear his name is Rodick. It sounds better, don't you think?" He shook his head, then waved hand and leaned against the rock behind him. "Well, if trees have changed, how does Wall look like. In all honesty? Is the land covered with snow? I guess it's not, hm?"

"It still is.." He confirmed with acknowledge. "Maybe..at least Tormund said that the nights are a bit shorter now so..i guess summer is near."

Black dragon let out small purr, deep and long and man threw him piece of meat. "One doe and I will have to listen to complaining for days now." He smirked and looked at the other one, slowly and thoughtfully speaking. "Summer in the North. I can't even imagine it," he then shook his head, swallowing hard and looked down. "And I'll never see. Anyway," he cleared his throat. "How's missus, Jon?"

"She's good.." he admitted with a small smile after a picture of them comes on his mind. "We're expecting the second one in seven moons. She almost kill me when i told her we're flying to Westeros.."

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you both!" He answered with genuine smile, patting his back. "Well, can't blame her. Since I said, that I'm leaving with you, we have had silence household. I mean, I can be month in the woods alone, but this was like a torturing," he rubbed his eyes with a sigh.

"There's nothing to worry about.." Jon comforts him. "As long as you'll be in woods nothing will happen. But i understand the girls are worried about you. How's she?" He asked him after a while. "Should come more often to see you but i couldn't.. maybe when we return."

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