The King in the North

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Winterfell's halls are filled with all the nobles from the seven kingdoms. On the throne,the Queen stood as always calm and recollect. Wearing black and iron. It's been almost nine years since she wore them for the first time and until today,black became her second skin. Long holds the mourning time for a northern woman. Long holds the mourning for a lost child. Although,that day Sansa could spear a smile. It was a bright day for Winterfell. Next to her stood the Queen regnant, Elaine Targaryen. As always together to rule, together to hold. And short by the two young princesses, dressed in red and grey. Dragons and wolves.

Maester Sam still on the service of the family. A bystander of all terrible things and all miracles that happened between the heavy stones of this castle.

Suddenly,the Queen rose her hand and quiet vaile the room. The guard open the door and the until then Queen's guard escort the young Prince before them. It was the day the North will crown his new King. Maester Sam took few steps forward and stood before the Prince.
"Do you swear loyalty?" The maester ask.

"I swear." The Prince broadly reply.

"Do you swear prosperity?" The maester continue.

"I swear." The Prince gave his answer.

"Do you swear to preserve the peace?" Maester ask again.

"I swear." Ned said with the same broadness.

"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambitions and defend yourself only for the good of the realm?"

"I swear to the old gods, to defend my kingdom with my life,from this day until the day i die." The maester deliver the sword that once belonged to his long gone father. It was a bittersweet moment. The valeryan steel felt more heavy in heart than his own hands. But he hold it strongly and knelt before his Queen. His beloved mother.

Sansa looked down at her son. For a brief moment,a memory broke in. Valarr's eyes watching her knelt when she wore him the crown. She swallowed the crawling tears and smiled softly watching the face of her precious son, her only son and only joy along with her daughters and Elaine. The second Queen,as they called Elaine came close holding Sansa's crown on a velvet blue cushion. She wore it on his head carefully and sighed deeply giving him a small stroke on the cheek.

The crown of the Wolf. But the Prince was dressed in black and red. The red cloak hanging from his shoulders sewed a black dragon on his chest. "Be kind,my King." Sansa whispers her wish to her son. Let your reign be peaceful. Give them peace,give them life and consideration. Give them what i fail to. Be merciful in time,be understanding. Without many to say she was the first to bow to the King and soon follow Elaine and the rest present in the room. All howling and cheering. "The King in the North!" Again and again. "The King in the North!" Ned helped his mother to stand and walked towards the throne.

He sat on the wooden curved chair and let out a deep breath. He felt to small,so little. Although he was on his seventeenth year and already tall and broad with the strength of ten men. He felt unworthy of it but as he looked across the room to his lords and his knights and his ready to die for him subjects his eyes turn to his family. His mother,his aunty Elaine,his sisters. I'll protect you,he promised inside. I'll keep us united.

"The King in the North.." Ned mumbled on the back of Dhu as the fly across the seas to reach Gwendeith. When he lean on the side he could see Valarr on Dhu's claws. Hanging almost looking dead. "The King of the North.." he repeats watching him as the blew up his hair. "The son of the Snow.." tears started to fall from his face. "That's why you never loved me?" He asked Valarr like he was expecting an answer from him in that state. "Because I didn't carried much of your House?" He voice crack for a moment. It seemed like the sky was growing darker with every word he spoke. And soon the clouds veiled every ray of sun. Darkness and thunders kept falling around them. Ned looked up at the nemesis from above,the nemesis of his heart. "Oh but i was wrong.." he said. "I carry a lot of your House." He murmured through tears. "You're right,i carry out your darkness. And yet that wasn't enough for you to care..or it was?"

"Eddard!" Daemon shouted from his dragon but Ned didn't turn to see him. "Try to control it or you'll kill us!" He shouted again feeling the storm raging with the lightings striking next to them.

Ned was still watching at his father. His tear froze on his unblinking eyes. "I overstep every oath i took the day she made a king. I brought danger to my people and tears to my family. I kill the man who sworn loyalty to me. All because of you." He murmured and rain pouring from his dark face met his tears to fall on his father's face. Valarr's eyes flick and blink before he weakly open them.

But the storm was strong and the rain like nails pierced their faces. The dragons roared wildly. A sound so unholy graving the living. "Eddard!" Daemon shouted again panicked but Ned couldn't hear him anymore.

"We're close to the city." He spoke to Valarr,his face cold nothing of the usual calmness that usually veiled him. Nothing. "That's how Targaryens stand the fire. That's how they won against the dragon's fire,they become fire." Valarr watched him and the darkness covered Ned's eyes like his own. The dark serpent started to crawl around the blue of his eyes matching the madness in his father's eyes. "There's only one way to kill the madness, Valarr Nightborn." He whispered without breaking from their dark gaze. "Only one way.."

"Eddard!" Daemon's pleads couldn't reach him anymore. "Stop this madness! Have you lost your mind?" He shouted on the top of his lungs trying to bring him back to the senses but the thunderstorm was louder than him.

"Tell Vanya to burn us if we fall.." Ned rose his eyes on Daemon,he didn't spoke just his voice echoed on his head. He saw Ned's eyes dark but soon something more scary crawled the white of his eyes. The thunder,the storm was inside him now. "Tell her to raise no graves for us." Dhu then turn against the other dragon casting him outside the storm.

"Ned,no!" Daemon shouted so loud he felt his throat broken when suddenly was lost between clouds and heavy rain but soon,like it never existed,the storm was gone. Same as Dhu with Eddard and Valarr they were gone.

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