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Eddard fly back to Winterfell and found his sister with her husband and twins waiting outside the gates. Sōna lands and he jumped off his back. When the dragon left back to the Watch, Ned approach and took a deep breath. He took little Sancia on his arms and smiled to his sister to encourage her and himself. He leans over and give her a kiss on her forehead. "Everything is going to be alright." He whispers to her. He rose his eyes and nod to guards to open the gates. And when the gates were open two enormous direwolves comes from the sides as Eddard walked inside with little Sancia on his arms. "This is Narys,Sun." He tells her as the wolf approach to take a sniff on the little one's leg.

Valaerrys grabbed Niklaus' hand in a moment, when she saw second direwolf. "Summer?" She whispered and kneeled on one knee. "Can you remember me, boy?" She stretched her hand with glassy eyes, observing mighty direwolf.

"That is Summer? He is so big!" Elia exclaimed, clapping her hands.

"Hello, Narys," Sancia jumped fearlessly from Ned's hands and took a bow, to greet mystical wolf.

Summer narrow his eyes and took her smell in. He approached and curl his head on Valaerrys chest like he welcome her in his way. The sound coming from the direwolf are heartbreaking. Like he was crying from happiness.

Narys from the other hand tilt his head on the side looking at the little human before him and sniff her face once before he lick her. "Hey! Hey!" Ned scold him and the wolf started to shake his tale enthusiastically. "You bugger!" He chuckled and caress his head.

Valaerrys was weeping quietly, holding her arms wrapped around Summer, while Elia came to Narys and nodded head. "Hello," she smiled, at direwolf, looking at her sister, who was cuddling with him and giggling over his neverending greetings.

"Ned!" A woman's voice came from the interior of the courtyard as she approached watching them curiously along with sir Davos. Eddard walked to her as she gets closer and kiss his wife. "We were so worried." She said and turn to see the unfamiliar faces.

"I'm sorry,my love." He kissed her knuckles and took her hand to meet her with his family. "My love, this is my sister Valaerrys and her husband Klaus and my nieces,Sancia and Elia." He said with a smile and the Queen was left with wide open eyes in shock and surprised. "Val,this is my wife Anna."

"Oh gods." She exhaled a long breath as she walked to her with an emotional smile. She didn't knew what to do or what to say. She just hugged Valaerrys and sighed deeply in relief. "You can't imagine the joy you're going to bring in this house."

Valaerrys was standing like a statue at first. She felt guilt, same as everybody in Aen Sedin and the warmth she got made her feel even more guilty. Yet she smiled and hugged her back, then took a step back, so she could see her sister in law properly. "You are so beautiful," she smiled with tears in her eyes. "Forgive us our appearance, Anna," she said calmly with trembling voice. "We've been travelling for whole month."

Niklaus bowed his head and greet Queen with a polite smile. "It's an honour to meet you, Anna," he said, kissing her knuckles. "I was really curious about a woman, who is able to manage this big one," he peeked at  Ned with crooked smirk. "You have my admiration."

Anna nods her head and chuckle over the reaction of Ned about his comment as he frowned. "He's big but harmless." She adds making Ned roll his eyes. "And these little ones?" She looked at the girls as she kneels down to them and cupped their faces. "Gods,they are so beautiful.." she watched them with dreamy gaze. "They look like you Valaerrys." She smiled back to her as she stood up. "Ned you should better go inside and prepare your mother for this. She's going to have a heart attack."

But it was already late. Sansa was standing behind them with unblinking eyes and hanging mouth. Her face had froze on the sight,she could recognise her among million of people. She carried her own eyes and her father's futures. Her heart almost stopped and her body couldn't find a way to approach. When she attended to take a step whispering her name her feet betrayed her and she fall with her knees on the ground and hold her chest. "Valaerrys.." her voice merely a sound as tears started to fall on snow.

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