The dinner

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It was late in evening when Daemon was walking through the Winterfell. He was looking for his sister, but she was nowhere to be found. So he knew, where he should go. He left castle, passed main gate and left toward dragons, who were contently resting, with full stomaches. In a moment, when Daemon approached, Rhenna rose her head and moved with her wing, unveiling Elaine, who was curling, sitting on her huge leg.

"Daemon," Elaine smiled at him, standing up.

"There you're!" He exclaimed with a sigh and approach. He caressed Rhenna's neck and kneel down to his sister. "Why are you here alone, Elaine? I was looking for you."

"After everything she has been through, I needed a moment alone with her. To make sure, she is fine," Elain explained, then hugged him. "And I needed to regain strength, so she helped me," she admited, lying her head on his shoulder. "I was so scared, when I heard Dhu calling me. I wasn't sure at all, if I could do it."

He hold her inside his embrace firmly kissing her head and brushing her silver soft hair. "I know,my little one. I know." He gives another kiss on her temple. "And you made me really proud. But now.." he said standing up cradling her like a baby. " you need to go to sleep. And please don't walk out alone in this hour." He said walking back inside the castle.

Her head was resting against his collarbone and shoulder. "I am sorry, Daemon. I won't do it again. I hope, that Sansa will be patient with Valarr. He was broken, I felt it, I saw it at Dhu," she sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He chuckled as he walked upstairs towards her room.
"Don't bother yourself with that. She's a patient woman. She proved that when she agreed to marry our brother." He opens the door and helped her out of her coat and boots. Daemon being the elder after Aegon he practically raise Elaine so she wasn't feeling ashame around him. When she wore her nightdress and get tuck up to bed,he covered her with the covers and made sure that the fire will hold all night to her room. "Are you alright? Do you need anything else?"

"Can you just hold my hand and wait until I fall asleep, Dae?" Elaine asked, yawning already. The warmth, comfort and his presence made her relax and she closed her eyes.

"Come here!" He said softly with a smile hugging her and lay behind her as she turn her back to get comfortable holding on his hand. He stood there brushing softly her hair and holding her hand. After a sort her breathing was steady and deep. Then he knew that she was sleeping. Carefully not to wake her up he kissed her forehead and rose higher the covers. He gave her a last look before he smiled closing the door behind him heading downstairs to the dinner.

Daemon went downstairs when he could already hear the drunk noises and laughs and chatting in the filled with people hall. When he was in he first politely nod towards the table of the Queen. Sansa was sitting along with her sister and brother then he saw closer Jon with Valarr, Lord Baratheon and that Lord kid Robin and decided to sit with them.
"You already start drinking?" He looked around the rest of the people nobles and commanders of their armies already with a cup on their hands.

"In a moment, when I entered a cup landed in my hand. I don't even know, what it is, but I feel like it's better for me not to ask, brother," Valarr answered with shrug, then stretched his arm and patted Daemon's shoulder. "Thank you for that punch, I really needed that," he nodded his head, then asked right after. "Where were you?"

"I was with Elaine. She's sleeping now. I hope the noise won't bother her." Daemon said and a cup land before the same moment.

"That's a bloody beer!" Tormund, who came from the Wall that morning turn and answer to Valarr and Daemon at the same time. "If ya about to be the King here you should become familiar with it." He chuckled throaty and took a deep sip.

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