The powers you hold

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Walking side by side, more than nervous Valarr was glancing in front of himself, like he was walking in a dream. Yet warmth radiating from Sansa's body made him to be sure, that he was awake. They were in the hallway, when Miriam's voice caught their attention. With Lyanna by her side, they were walking toward Sansa and Valarr.

"Good morning," she said with smile and turned her face to Sansa. "Your Grace," she bowed. "I am Miriam, Jon's wife."

Sansa turns to see her then gave a short look at Valarr surprised before she turns back to the Miriam. "Jon's.." she whispers and her eyes went wet the moment she gave her another look and realized that her belly was swollen. "Oh gods.." she sighed and took few steps closer to her. Sansa open her arms in hesitation towards her. "May i?"

Lyanna stood next to her father and turn to watch him giving the ladies time to meet one another. "Where were you?" She asked him with a crooked smile and furrowed brows. "When i said you can sleep here i didn't mean go for mom.. Ned will kill you."

"I slept with... twins," -he cleared his throat, "and her, yes.. I..." Valarr sighed, then smirked briefly. "Rodick, hm? You're cleverer, than fox."

"Of course," Miriam gave bright smile to Sansa, taking her hand and placing it on her belly. "It's our second. This one should arrive in like 4 moons, Your Grace. I... I know, this is innapropriate, but..." She suddenly hugged Sansa. "Jon asked me to do this, he wished to be here, he wishes nothing but to be able to do this and he is sorry and loves you, Sansa. He never stop loving you all, even though it had to seem like he did the opposite." Miriam whispered to Sansa with tears rolling over her face.

Hearing her words her heart broke all over again. She whish nothing more than to have him here as well,that would heal her. That would give her back her family and make her completely happy. She knew it was hard and hold Miriam and cupped her face,she kissed her forehead and smiled with tears rolling down her eyes. "I know, my dear. I know. I wish he was here with us today."

" we say here in North you can't hide love and madness." She shrugged and went to them. "Let's go now to eat before she starts to chew on my hair. And better for you is to appear with me..the chances to get killed will fall on half." She recommends to her father and beckon them to walk inside the great hall.

"I love her," Miriam chuckled over Lyanna's words and Valarr gave look to Sansa, Miriam, then followed Lyanna and with her he walked toward dinning room.

Ned was waiting for them all in the great hall. Valaerrys with Klaus and the twins were sitting next to them. And Anna with Vanya had just join them.

When they enter the door and Ned's eyes fall immediately on Valarr walking inside with Lyanna and Sansa with Miriam following behind he almost kick back his chair as he stood up furious. His eyes started to glow widely with the thunder burning to come outside. Before he blast Lyanna walked to him and took his hands. "Before you do or say anything, i brought him here last night. I couldn't let a pregnant woman to sleep on a bed in the Castle Black and also in this table there are kids." She smiled at him and gave him a look to hold it back.

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