14. Throwing a Party

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1×17- Moon Over Bourbon Street

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1×17- Moon Over Bourbon Street

It's been a month since everything happened and now Davina has returned and that made Luna very happy that the young girl was back and better then ever but right now we are at a party and our family compound.

I looked towards the entrence and saw Genevieve enter with Davina, Abigail, and Monique in tow as everyone looks at them and I vamp speed on the balcony and stood beside Klaus and Elijah on the other side as else look at the party. 

"I'm impressed, brother." Elijah points out. "Yes." Klaus said amused. "Now if I can just keep them from tearing one another to shreds." Elijah points out.
"Well, then for your sake, here's to a spectacularly boring evening." Klaus says as Diego and some other vampires pass Jackson and Oliver.

"What's up, little man?" Diego questioned as he purposely bumps into Jackson, which enrages Oliver. "He's not even worth it." Jackson tells his friend Oliver.

As party continues on at the Mikaelson's home, Oliver goes to the bar for a drink when Diego approaches him. "Hey, wolf boy. Should have had them put it in a bowl for you." Diego asked him.

"Well, yeah, if you want me to crush your skull with it." Oliver says with a maniacally smile and then Francesca intervenes them. "Please, boys. At least fight over something interesting. Me, perhaps?" She questioned as Diego looked at her.

"Nah, you don't want to get involved with his kind. See, they got this nasty little habit of going berserk and ripping innocent people to shreds." Diego points out and Oliver looks at him "No, no, no. Okay? Look. If my people wronged you in any way, you have my condolences, okay? Though I'd be surprised my kin could choke them down, being half as ugly as him." He said and furiously

Diego picks Oliver up and throws him across the courtyard, where he falls onto a table covered in glasses of champagne which shatter upon the impact and Diego vamp-speeds over to him, but Oliver pins him against a wall and I see this and vamp speed towards them and I pull Oliver away and I growled at him and pushed him against a table.

"This ends now. I won't ask again." I spat. "Oh, we'll end it all right." Jackson says as I looked over at Jackson who is pinning Diego to the wall, a stake aimed right at his heart. Suddenly, Hayley appears on the staircase.

"What's stopping you? Kill him. Go ahead, Luna. Do it. I mean, it's not like he doesn't deserve to die." She says and nearby, Klaus and Francesca are watching the fight.

"Shouldn't you intervene or something?" She asked Klaus. "Why would I? This party just got interesting." He said with a smirk and looking at his sister who had an angry look.

"I mean, it was Oliver who handed Rebekah over to the witches so they could torture her. But, then again, wasn't it Diego who led a werewolf massacre last month? And the witches cursed the wolves, while the humans stood back and let it all happen. So, when you think about it, everyone here deserves to die." She said and I glowed my eyes and Klaus saw how angry she was getting.

"Are you approaching a point?" I asked her and she looks at me.

"My point, Luna, is this-- if we can't all learn to get along, if our families can't create some sort of community, then what's the point? Kill each other and get it all over with." She says and I think and I let him go. "Next time I will kill you." I say to Oliver and jackson lets him go and I used my magic and threw a table at the wall and I looked at everyone and glowed my eyes at them.

"DO NOT MESS WITH ME! BECAUSE YOU WILL KNOW THE REAL ME!" I yelled out and I let the vains appear under my eyes.  "THE RIPPER ME." I say and walked away and went upstairs and looked at my phone and saw three missed calls from Allison and pushed her contact and called her as the phone ringed and she answered.

"Hey, what happened?" I asked her and she sighs. "The kids miss you and they leared some spells that I showed them how to do." I say and I smile sadly. "I'm sorry. I know I said this was going to take a week but its been a month but this all will be over soon, I promise and then we can go back to Mystic Falls, like I promised you." I tell her and she chuckles.

"Okay, take your time. I'll see you soon. Bye Luna." She said and I say bye and hangged up and felt a presence.

"What is Nik?" I asked and looked up at him and he had a look on his face. "When we're you gonna tell me?" He asked me and I looked at him confused.

"Tell you about what?" I asked and he sighs. "That you were gonna go back to Mystic Falls." He says and I sigh. "When are you leaving." He asked me and I looked into his eyes. "When Hayley has her baby, that's when I'm leaving." I tell him and he nods and I grabbed his hand.

"I'm sorry, but I already decided to go. I have to go see my old friends, I can't just stay here." I say and he gets up and smiles.

"I understand, just be careful." He tells me amd I nod. "I always am." I tell him and he chuckled. "Sure, you are." He said walking out the room, leaving me alone.

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