Chapter 3 Narnia

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Third pov

So far in the day Amelia had finally gotten to see the place from all the stories her uncle had told her, met two talking beavers, found out she was part of a prophesy to stop the witch ruling Narnia and currently they were chasing the second youngest Pevensie because apparently he had decided that the one person everyone they had met clearly said was evil was someone he could trust.

Susan and Peter arguing made her normaly long fuse shorten. "Would you two stop?! This is not helping your brother and it's definitely not making the situation any better!"

Mr Beaver nodded. "The lass is right. Only Aslan can save your brother now."

Peter took a second look at the ice castle before turning back to Mr Beaver. "Then take us to him."

The howls filling the air made them all start running.

Amelia pulled Lucy with her as they entered the Beaver's house.

"Hurry, mother! They're after us!"

The brunette teen didn't say much as she took a lamp and lit it. Mr Beaver led them down to a tunnel that he told them leads to his closest friend.

Amelia felt sweat running down her face as she heard the wolves enter the tunnel. She happily went faster as they ran as good as they could to escape death.

Some of the adrenaline died down when they left the tunnel and saw the narnians that had been turned to statues.

Amelia didn't consider herself a normaly violent or angry person. With the right people she could be rather outspoken and vocal but never cruel.

But the witch. The one that did this. She wanted to hurt her. She wanted her to pay for everything she's done.

Her heart broke for Mr Beaver. "He was my oldest friend."

Peter looked around. "What happened here?"

"This is what happens to the ones that cross the White Witch."

Amelia gave the fox that had spoken a strange look. She still wasn't used to talking animals.

"You take one more step, traitor, and I'll chew you to splinters!" Mr Beaver said angrily.

The fox jumped down from the house he'd stood on. "Relax. I'm one of the good guys."

"Yeah? Well, you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones." Mr Beaver was being held back by his wife and Amelia crouched beside them and held a hand out to stop him. She ignored the surprised look from the fox.

"Mr Beaver, we're still being chased and we won't be able to outrun them. Let's give him a chance to help." She gave him a pleading look.

He sighed but nodded.

They we're all helped up in a tree to hide as the wolves came out of the tunnel.

Amelia winced in sympathy as the fox yelped in pain.

When it was safe to come down Peter and Mr Beaver started a fire while Amelia and Lucy moved the fox closer to it. His protests went ignored and Mrs Beaver looked him over.

"They were helping Tumnus. The Witch got here before i did." Fox explained. "Ow!" He groaned as Mrs Beaver took care of the bite on his back.

"Are you alright?" Lucy asked.

"I wish i could say their bark is worse than their bite. Ow!"

"Stop squirming! You're worse than Beaver on bath day."

The girls giggled.

Mr Beaver shrugged. "It's the worst day of year."

Fox stood up. "Thanks for your help but I'm afraid that is all the cure i have time for."

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