Chapter 9 Cair Paravel

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Third pov

Amelia laughed and twirled in the sand, kicking her shoes off as she took in the fact that she was back. She was finally back.

The sun shone warmly as she danced around.

Though she stopped when she saw ruins higher up.

Amelia was confused. She couldn't remember ruins in Narnia.

The treck up to the castle took a few minutes but she got up. The grass in some places went to her ankles and the broken stone managed to cut into her feet in some places. But she really didn't care, she was too happy to be annoyed by that.

But at the moment she saw five platfoorms with broken chairs, or at least two broken chairs, the others were pretty much gone, some of that happiness receded.

Her gut feeling told her this was familiar, too familiar...

When she saw a chess figure in gold it hit her.

Cair Paravel.

Their castle.

Their home.

Once again, like so many times before, she wished she had siblings to talk to. Beacause this felt like too much.

Memories of the castle, the people and Eclipse briefly threatened to consume her as the weight of their leaving was. She dry heaved. Oh god, why did it hurt?

After the anxiety attack passed and her breathing went back to normal she looked around again. Her eyes settled on a wall where she knows there is a door. Knows because she helped build it.

The inside is dusty and has a lot of broken stuff inside but she sees five statues with chests in front.

One of Edmund.
One of Lucy.
One of Peter.
One of Susan.

And one of her.

Seeing herself as much older is a strange experience and a sad one. She missed the years of the last visit.

Her heart aches at the sight of the stone dragon wrapped slightly around the statue. Eclipse. She wonders, hopes that he is still alive.

The chest is filled with her stuff and she dresses in one of the sets of clothes she used when riding Eclipse. Mainly because it didn't matter how much she liked dresses, pants would always be easier for her to move in. As a finishing touch she puts her sword on her hip and grabs her bag, the one that had once carried Eclipse's egg, and stuffs her crown, another shirt and two daggers.

Before leaving she looked at the statue of her best friend. She wondered if she would get to see them this time. After that she closed the hidden door and started thinking about where she could go.

"Impossible... Queen Amelia?"

Amelia spun around to see a fox similar to the one she'd met the last time. Though she could tell that it wasn't him. This one stared at her with a mixture of awe and surprise.

"How do you know who i am?" She asks.

"My name is Foxly, i live close by. And you look like the stories and statues describe. Though your beauty cannot be replicated in stone I'm afraid."

Amelia smiled. "Thank you. I'm sorry, but can you tell me what happened here?"

Foxly nodded. "Of course, but you might want to sit down."

Foxly told her everything, what happened after they left, the Telmarines invading and the Narnians fate. She felt sick and angry. "There's gotta be something to do about this."

"There is. Prince Caspian blew Queen Susan's horn, he is planning to fight Miraz to take back the throne and we will need your help."

Amelia didn't hesitate. "Can you show me the way?"

Foxly nodded.

"Then i guess we will need to start traveling."

The fox bowed. "Of course, My Queen."

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