Chapter 11 Prince Caspian

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Third pov

Amelia listened patiently as Caspian talked, throughly impressed by how much he'd accomplished in less than two weeks.

"You have much of what is needed covered. But we're going to need some place to train, and weapons. Weapons are always needed. I doubt Miraz would refrain from attacking just because we're unarmed." Amelia let her thoughts wander to the Pevensie's. "It seems I'm the first to arrive, which means that the others should arrive soon." She stated.

Caspian nodded. "There is a way to get weapons, it's to be done tonight. You can come with if you want." He offered.

She smiled. "I would love to. It's been some time since i did something like this, I'm starting to feel a little rusty."

Time skip

Caspian and Amelia ate together later while Amelia answered some of his questions. She was happy to tell him about the years they ruled and how Narnia was back then.

Caspian was happy to listen.

When night came they stole the weapons from Miraz's troups. Amelia helping Caspian carve a message into the tree of one of the wagons.


Time skip

The next morning Caspian gently shook the queen awake for breakfast.

Afterwards Amelia was full of energy and bored out of her mind. So when Reepicheep suggested that she and Caspian spar she was quick to agree.

Caspian less so, but he gave in as he saw Amelia practically light up.

He quickly regretted it as he found out just why they called her a warrior queen. She was absolutely brutal with a sword and he was pretty sure that not even his teacher could beat her.

He was panting heavily by the time she'd once again gotten him unarmed and her blade pointed at him. "Giving up?" She teased.

He nodded. "I don't believe there is a way for me to win against you." He felt something flutter inside him as she smiled.

She helped him up. "You're pretty good. I'm sure you could give Peter a challenge."

Reepicheep approached them. "Queen Amelia, Prince Caspian. Strangers have been seen in the woods. I believe it may be the rest of the Kings and Queens of old."

Amelia's eyes widened before she grinned. "Then let's go meet them."

Amelia was so happy to see the siblings as Caspian and Peter crossed blades. She figured Peter would react to the minotaurs with hostility but not enough to draw his sword against one.

She figured the current ass kicking between him and Caspian could be called fair but her blood froze once she saw Peter pick up a stone. "Peter don't!"

Peter froze as well and his head turned to Amelia. "Amelia?"

She nodded. "Yes." She came closer together with the rest of the siblings. "And this, is Prince Caspian. He is a very nice young man and i would appreciate it very much if you dropped the stone."

Peter did as she said. An angry Amelia isn't a nice Amelia.

"You're High King Peter." Caspian was still holding Peters sword.

"I believe you called."

Amelia smiled at Caspians apparent lack for words. "He thought we would be older." She put a hand on her oldest friends shoulder. "But enough of that, we have a lot to tell you."

Peter nodded, happy to see his closest friend and knowing that he could trust her to have his back. He was less sure of Caspian.

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