Chapter 6 The White Witch

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Third pov

Amelia glared at the witch, hoping that it would set her on fire.

They had been warned by Mr Beaver that she would come, but still, Amelia had never felt such hate for anyone before.

The Witch's eyes went over them, stopping briefly at her and Edmund, eyes narrowing ever so slightly at the dragon on her shoulders, before turning her head to Aslan. "You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan."

The great lion spoke. "His offence was not against you."

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?"

Aslan roared. "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written."

"Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property." The Witch said.

Amelia had her hand on her sword, ready to use it. Peter unsheated his. "Try and take him then."

The minotaur behind the Witch lifted his axe. Jadis just looked amused. "Do you think that mere force will deny me my right, little king? Aslan knows that unless i have blood as the law demands all of Narnia will be overturned," She looked at everyone behind her as she spoke. "And perish in fire and water. That boy." She looked at Edmund. "Will die on the stone table. You dare not refuse me."

Aslan had something tired in his eyes. "Enough. I shall talk with you alone."

Amelia knew Aslan would never allow her to take Edmund. She just wondered what he would offer instead.

The two emerged from the tent and the witch went to the chair they had carried her in.

Aslan spoke. "She has renounced her claim on the son of Adam's blood."

Everyone cheered at the news. Amelia smiled but she felt a sense of dread. Aslan had to have offered something else.

"How do i know your promise will be kept?"

Aslan roared the loudest Amelia had ever heard and Jadis sat down as the others cheered.

But as she was carried away by her servants and everyone celebrated, Amelia looked at Aslan. He had a sad look in his eyes and she knew what he offered.

The one thing the witch would want more than Edmund.


Time skip

Amelia couldn't sleep. Instead she sat up on the hill she'd been on yesterday together with Eclipse.

She saw Aslan as he walked past her. "Are you sure about doing this?"

Aslan turned his head to her. "It is what i have to do."

She sighed and went over to him. His fur was soft as she hugged him. "I'm sorry you have to do this."

When Aslan left she sat back down again, mind wandering to her mother back home. Wondering what she would say about this.

When the wind came to tell her about Aslan's death, she dreaded what Peter would say.

During their days in Narnia she had started to like him, a lot. He was a good friend and the idea of him being angry with her for just letting Aslan walk wasn't one she particularly liked.

She saw Peter, Edmund and Oreius just as Peter left Aslan's tent.

"He left earlier. It's just us now." She spoke as she came closer. Eclipse curled protectively around her shoulders, mismatched eyes watching the other three.

Peter had a hard expression, his eyes being the only thing telling how nervous the information made him. "Why did he leave?"

"He took Edmunds place on the stone table. He wanted him to live." She sees Edmund flinch as she says the truth and she feels bad. Adding the last part hoping that he doesn't feel an overwhelming amount of guilt.

He might have made mistakes but he was a good kid.

Something in the younger boy's eyes took place. "Then you two will have to lead us."

Both Amelia and Peter looked at him but Peter was the only one ro say something. "I can't."

"Aslan believed you could. That you both could. There's an army out there ready to follow you."

The two oldest teens locked eyes for a brief moment. But it was enough as they quietly agreed to have each others backs.

Oreius spoke. "The Witch's army are nearing, sire, dame. What are your orders?"

Time skip

Peter and Amelia was at the front of their army. Amelia had managed to make Eclipse stay back and was now sitting on a horse in full armor. She didn't care if it was feminine as long as it made her survival chances higher.

One of the Griffin's landed beside her. "They come, Your Highnesses, in a numbers and weapons far greater than our own."

Amelia didn't like that.

"Numbers do not win a battle." Oreius said.

"No." Peter began.
"But i bet they help." Amelia finished.

She could see the witch and felt some anxiety. She tried pushing it down and instead grip the fury as they charge.

"For Narnia and for Aslan!"

Her blade meets a minotaur's axe a few enemies later and she's sent to the ground. Quick on her feet again and sticking her sword into the very same minotaur that knocked her off her horse.

Block. Attack. Block. Attack. Block. Attack.

It's repetitive and hazy and she doesn't know how long it's been going on. She just wants the battle to end. But she misses her mother and father.

She cannot die here.

She can't leave this to the small group of siblings she's come to love as her own.

Battle is messy.

Battle is brutal.

And Amelia has lost count of how many has fallen around her.


Peter falls.

And the witch is there.

Amelia is getting there slowly but surely and soon she's closer to Peter.  Close enough to see Oreius fall.

She hears him tell Edmund to go home, get their sisters home.

Peter doesn't tell her the same. It would be no use. She's as stubborn as him. And they promised to have each other's backs.

Edmund is the one that sees the witch get closer. He's the one that breaks her wand. And she stabs him for it.

"EDMUND!" Peter and Amelia scream.

Amelia can't keep her eyes on the witch or Peter anymore as she is confronted with more enemies and has to fight with everything she has.

She is relieved when Aslan show up with reinforcements, but then.

A sharp blow to the head sends everything spinning into darkness.

After the reunion with Edmund Peter is the first to see the human looking lump about a hundred meters away and his eyes widen. "Amelia."

The three other Pevensie's look the same way.

Lucy pales. She doesn't want Amelia to die. And she runs, siblings following.

Amelia is on her side, helmet off her head and said head bleeding profusely.

Lucy wastes no time to give her a drop of the potion she had gotten from Santa.

And when Amelia opens her eyes, she has four sets of arms hugging her.

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