Chapter 34 End

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A/N This chapter has been re-written


When she opened her eyes it was to a clear blue sky, and an aching pain in one of her shoulders. She's gently pushed upwards, out of the water. Beneath her fingers she can feel scales, her mind moves away from the thought of it somehow being the slimy serpent, and instead to it being one of her oldest friends.

Eclipse pushed her upwards, into the air that she greedily sucked in. How she hadn't drowned was a miracle.

Amelia was gently pushed onto bright white sand, Eclipse letting out a huff of warm air, then he dissapeared into the water once more.

It feels a little like forgiveness.

Amelia lifted her hand, waving to him despite the heavy feeling in her bones and heart.

Eclipse was still there for her, surely he was still bitter, but he was there.

Gold wasn't. And he never would be.


She turned her head to see Aslan, and in the process she saw the water stretching up towards the sky.

"Aslan." She swallowed. "This is the door to your kingdom, isn't it? Does that mean I'm out of time?"

"No, you are not out of time." Aslan answered, his words soothing.

He pushed some sand with his paw and Amelia felt the heaviness in her body leave, and her clothes turned into a simple dress, her feet left bare on the warm sand.

Amelia let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you." There was something else she wanted to know, however. "Aslan... Gold, will he be okay?"

Aslan nodded. "He has entered my kingdom, and while he is little, I can assure you, he will not be alone."

It hurt to hear, to know she would not get to see him again while she was alive in Narnia, but he would live on somewhere else. He would not be alone.

"Thank you, for telling me."


Caspian would not deny he was more worried than he was elated. They had won against the serpent, they had placed the last sword at the table and they had found the missing narnians, but Amelia was still missing, and his worry would not go away until he saw her again.

Judging by the small scaly hissing thing clinging to his shoulder, he wasn't the only one that felt that way.

"Don't worry, Caspian." Lucy spoke. "I'm sure she's alright."

They reached a beach.

They got out of the boat, eyes on the wall of water that they knew led to Aslans kingdom.

Eustace was the one to look back for a second. "Aslan..."

The other three also turned to see the Lion.

"Welcome children. You have done well, very well indeed." Aslan stood in front of them now. "You have come far, but now your journey is at its end."

Lucy, a bit unsure, asked. "Is this your country?"

"My country lies beyond." Aslan simply answered.

Caspian swallowed, gathered courage. "Is Amelia and my father in your kingdom?"

"You can only find out if your father is there yourself. But you should know, that if you continue, there is no return."

Caspian frowned. "But you know where Amelia is?"

The lion turned his head to someone walking towards them. "Eclipse brought her here."

Amelia came closer, slowly, then Caspian noted her picking up the speed as she saw them. He met her halfway and picked her up in a hug. "I thought I had lost you."

Amelia shook her head, a little awkwardly since she had her face buried in the crook of his neck. "Not me, but I lost Gold."

Caspian hugged her tighter. "I'm sorry."

Silver went from Caspian's shoulder and over to Amelia, a soothing precense despite everything.

The two let go of each other and went to join their friends.

Edmund looked at him. "What about wanting to see your father again?"

Caspian shook his head. "I can't imagine my father would be proud if I gave up what he died for. I spent too long wanting back what was taken from me, instead of appreciating what was given. I was given a kingdom. A people."

Caspian turned to Aslan. "I promise to be a better king."

"You already are." Aslan responded, then he turned his head to the others. "Children.."

Amelia listened to Lucy and Edmund talking about their family. They had one to go back to, she knew that. All she had was her uncle, but surely he'd understand.

She wanted to stay. This was her home.

Reepicheep interupted her thoughts as he approached Aslan. "Your eminence." He bowed. "Ever since I was little, I have dreamt of seeing your country. I've had many great adventures in this world, but nothing has dampened that yearning. I know I am hardly worthy, but with your permission I would lay down my sword for the joy of seeing your country with my own eyes."

As they listened to Reepicheep, Amelia felt tears building up.

"My country was made for noble hearts such as yours, no matter how small their bearers be." Aslan said.

Reepicheep bowed again. "Your majesty."

Caspian smiled. "No one could be worthier."

"That's true." Edmund agreed and nodded his head to Reepicheep.

Their mouse friend seemed a little surprised, but still happy at that.

As they watched Lucy saying goodbye, Silver left Amelia's shoulder and headed over to Reepicheep, happily bumping his head against him.

Reepicheep's eyes widened and he looked to Amelia in an attempt to ask for help.

Amelia laughed. "He wants a hug."

As soon as Silver got his hug, it was time for Eustace to say goodbye. Once that was done they watched Reepicheep put his sword down and row up on the water, right into Aslan's kingdom.

Lucy turned to Aslan. "This is our last time here, isn't it?"

Aslan nodded. "Yes. You have grown up, my dear one. Just like Peter and Susan."

While she listened to Lucy and Aslan, Amelie moved over to Caspian and took his hand in hers. She wanted to remind him that she wasn't leaving him.

Aslan roared and a portal back to England opened in the water.

Lucy, Edmund and Eustace came over, and Caspian spoke. "You are the closest thing I have to a family. That includes you, Eustace." Caspian put a hand on the younger boys shoulder.

They said their goodbyes before they turned to Amelia, the question in their eyes clear.

She nodded. "I'm staying. Please tell my uncle thank you for me if you see him."

She got a hug from them as well.

Caspian and her moved to stand beside Aslan, waving goodbye to their friends.

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