Chapter 19 Slave traders

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Third pov

While they sat in the boats Caspian took the time to tell her about the seven Lords of Telmar.

When they got closer to the harbor Amelia was starting to grow tired of Eustace and if it wasn't for the fact that she and Caspian sat in another boat, she's pretty sure he would have been in danger of her pushing him into the water.

She turned to Caspian. "Is it bad i want to push him into the water?"

He chuckled and put his arm around her waist. "I think he's pretty amusing." He lowered his voice a little. "But I'm not entirely sure he is related to Lucy and Edmund."

Amelia shook as she giggled. And she giggled even more when she saw the twinkle in Caspian's eyes. "Can't say i believe so either." She put her head on his shoulder until it was time to get out off the boat.

The quiet made Amelia nervous. "It's too quiet." This kind of quiet is never good, she thought.

"Onward! The thrill of the unknown lies ahead."

Amelia smiled, she got a helping hand up from the boat.

"Couldn't this have waited till the morning?" Eustace asked.

"There is no honor in turning away from adventure, lad." Reepicheep answered.

Lucy caught on to what Amelia had mean earlier. "Listen. Where is everyone?"

When Eustace refused help and landed on the steps Caspian gave Lucy and Edmund a dry look. "And you're sure he's related by blood?"

They went higher up when the bells rung.

Amelia and Lucy drew their swords, Edmunds hand rested on the hilt of his and Caspian was ready to fire his crossbow.

When they quieted Amelia and Lucy hesitantly lowered their swords.

"Reepicheep, stay here with Drinian's men and. Secure the place. We will head on. If we don't come back by dawn, send a party." Caspian said as they began walking towards the gate.

The mere fact that people obviously refused to come out of their homes gave Amelia a bad feeling and she knew Eustace lied when he said there's no one home.

"Do you want to come over here and, uh... Guard something?" Edmund asked.

Eustace was notably nervous. "Ah, yes. Good idea cousin. Very, logical."

Despite his saying he would take care of it Amelia sent Caspian a look. One he understood because he felt the same way, and went over to the boy and handed him a knife.

"I got this. Don't worry."

Amelia couldn't help but do just that.

The inside of the building was filled with bells and the book they found under them was filled with names, most of them crossed over. "Who are all these people?"

"And why are they crossed out?" Edmund added.

Amelia felt her ill feeling grow. "That looks like a fee."

Understanding crossed Caspian's face. "Slave traders."

At that men jumped from the bells.

Amelia drew her sword and disarmed one before fighting another.

Until the most girlish scream she's ever heard cut through the noises in the room and she looked over to see a slave trader holding her friend's cousin.

"Unless you want to hear this one squeal like a girl again, I'd say you should drop your weapons." The older, dirty looking man said.

Eustace protested. "Like a girl?"

The knife pressed more into his neck. "Now!"

Amelia was glaring and on the way to growling, growling being a habit she'd picked up from Eclipse and thought gone away. She dropped her sword.

"Put them in irons."

Amelia fought the guy holding her still.

"Listen to me you insolent fool! I am your King!" Caspian was less than happy and that only intensified when both Edmund and Amelia recieved a slap each.

"You're going to pay for that!" Edmund growled through gritted teeth as his sister frantically called for him.

"Actually, someone else is going to pay, for all of you. Take the small ones to the market and the other three to the dungon, but put the lady in her own cell."

Amelia screamed Caspian's name and fought hard as they dragged her to the dungeon. She heard Caspian yell something but it was too late and she was soon shoved into a cell, the men laughing as she hit the floor.

They left and Amelia got up. She'd hit her head against the stone and was bleeding from a wound on her hairline.


A burning feeling flared in her chest for a moment, so bright and hot it brought her to her knees.

Amelia tried to shake the feeling of disbelief. The burning had happened once before but that was a long time ago, and she assumed Eclipse had died when the Telmarines invaded, so it couldn't be him... Right?

A little girl screaming outside made her run to the only window and look out.

A wagon with people in chains were being brought through the town and towards the harbor while a man and a girl ran after it.

The man screaming for someone named Hailen and the girl screaming for her mother.

A sharp pain of sadness ran through her as she continued watching.

The man got punched in the face and the wagon continued to its destination and the people were pushed into a small boat that was sent out.

Then. A green, thick mist appeared and swallowed them whole.

Amelia paled. "This is not good."

Poor Amelia. She's been in Narnia for less than a day and she's already been taken by slave traders.

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