Chapter 13 Failed mission

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Third pov

Amelia landed onto the castle walls with ease, taking out two guards in the process.

She signaled over to Edmund before going to find the others.

She made quick work out of a few more soldiers as she went through the castle.

She stopped when she heard a scream. The footsteps and bells that sounded after made her change directions fast and run for the courtyard instead.

To her horror she found full battle with soldiers ready to kill them. She was going to kill Peter and Caspian. They'd done something to mess it up.

Her blade met other blades and she hit and blocked and sliced and attacked. Anything to ensure her chance for survival.

The sudden arrow gracing her shoulder had her looking up into Miraz eyes. And for a brief moment he looks unsure, afraid almost but it's gone before she can blink.

She is the first to scream the order as she sees the gate start to fall. "FALL BACK! RETREAT! FALL BACK!" She can't hear over the noise but sees Peter point at her.

She dimly registers the fact that she's bleeding from a cut on her left eyebrow.

She continues screaming to fall back until she sees Caspian beside her. He takes her hand as she jumps up. Her arms holding onto him as they ride. She avoids hitting her head as the escape.

The ride back felt cold and Amelia mourned for the people they'd lost.

Lucy meets them when they return. "What happened?"

Peter amsweres in a thick, angry voice. "Ask him."

"Peter." Susan tried.

"Me? You could have called it off, there was still time." Caspian was very obviously not happy about Peter trying to shift all the blame onto him.

"No there wasn't, thanks to you. If you had kept to the plan, those soldiers could still be alive right now."

"If you stayed here like i suggested, they definitely would be!"

Amelia was about to interfere when Peter spoke again. "You called us, remember?"

"My first mistake."

Amelia wasn't sure why it hurt so much to hear Caspian say that but it did, and she halted mid-step as the two continued. When she heard him say they abandoned Narnia it hurt even more.

"You invaded Narnia. You have no more right to lead it than Miraz does." Peter was aiming to hurt and get a kind of point accross. "You, him, your father.... Narnia's better of without the lot of you!"

When they drew swords Amelia had enough of being peacemaker and thankful as Edmund was the one to stop them.

She went inside before Caspian did, avoiding looking him in the eye. It really was in impulse to check on him and as she was followed by Peter and the others she was glad that she followed it.

He might have hurt her with what he said but she didn't want him to get hurt.

She froze right beside Edmund as the big mirror of ice showed the spirit of the White Witch.

Edmund shook her out of it quickly. "I'll break the mirror. Get Caspian and Peter out of the way."

She nodded and cut down the warg before running over to the cirkle. She was growing tired of Peter and Caspian for the day and might have used more force then necessary as she pushed Peter out of the way.

The Witch retreated. "My dear Amelia. You can't win this alo-" She was interupted by the cracking of the ice. And when it fell Edmund stood on the other side.

He gave his brother a look. "I know. You had it sorted." He said before leaving.

The two young men had gotten up from the floor and now shared a look before they realized that there was still someone else in the room.

Amelia gave them a look of "i can't believe the two of you" and shook her head before leaving, ignoring the pleading look from Peter and the longing one from Caspian.

Two in a few hours.

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