|II|Episode●011● Freedom

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The transport back from the telepath's was tranquil; No unusual or contradictory to how it had been on the way to the same. However, there was an exception in the last few minutes of the car ride.

"You're dumb," Sera stated.

"Don't! You'll not like it when you might very soon realize who the dumber one is. Don't come running to me when you have a spirit chasing after you like in the movies, although all I can picturize is you chasing the spirit," Yoongi said robotically.

"That spirit thing again? Ugh, whatever! Yoongi, when do you plan to tell Hyejin? I heard that she confessed to you and you said 'yes'. You guys have started dating now, if you tell her, I don't think she'll take that very well. You had the time to tell her when she confessed, what are you even doing, dimwit?"

Yoongi sighed. He had nearly forgotten about the Sera who'd henpeck him about everything that involved Hyejin.

"You think she'll leave me if I tell her too?"

"Of course, there's a big chance of that happening. That's why I've been telling you to come clean from the very beginning. Her falling for you even after knowing who you are, that's precious, but her knowing about the truth after falling for you because you chose to stay as a liar is disastrous. The more time you wait, the more disastrous it'll be."

The man could do nothing but nod.

"I'm just concerned about her. I don't want to lose an employee for just as meagre as a heartbreak," Sera concluded, managing to earn a chuckle from the dispirited man.


The ouija was abandoned in a nook of Sera's room back at her abode while she was at the club the entire afternoon. Her busyness in the evening until she went back for the night shift almost made her mind miss about the whole deal. It was not until 11 of the night when she was boredly scrolling through her phone that she was reminded of it. The source was some unknown text messages.

It was from a panicking and apologizing Kim Seokjin. He was dearly hoping she did not try the ouija yet. When Sera replied with an affirmation, he sent her a website link and requested her to stringently go through it. 

Well, she had no better job to attend to.

And that's how she ended up reading a 126-slide e-book, 'The World Beyond Us,' crafted by the Kim Seokjin himself. All she was supposed to do was to read the instructions, of handling ouija and summoning a spirit, on his professional website on psychicism. But she did not regret what she read, it was fascinating. In theory!

Contradictory to her arguments at Seokjin's place, she wasn't entirely repulsed to the idea of spirits' existence. There could be spirits, she believed, but she was a practical woman, not to forget, the top student of criminal law during the days. 

What happened at Seokjin's was in the heat of the moment. Returning back from the trip, she regretted making a fool out of herself like that, it was very much unlike her. She was self-proclaimedly the most mature one among the ones she knew. There was absolutely no need to have behaved so kiddish with an equally kiddish man, she now knew, such as Seokjin. 

All aside, if she would say now, after reading the book, that she wasn't interested to try the ouija at all, then that would be a lie.


Sera woke up at precisely 4 of the morning, 2 hours earlier than usual. The setup for the 'Spirit Summoning Project' called for a completely quiet and Stygian atmosphere. What better time than the pre-dawn! 

She set up the ouija with a coin and a candle nearby for a dim source of light. After chanting the spells she memorized from the website instructions, she commenced.

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