|IV|Episode●026● Acceptance

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Everything happened in a rush. If asked, Sera wouldn't know how or what she did, she wouldn't have an answer. Everything happened before she could even register, she wasn't in the mind to register anything in the first place. As if her body automatically worked, she had pulled Seokjin inside, ignoring the fear and dubiety Jimin radiated on seeing the dead man. She had summoned the portal and given instructions to Jimin. She had told him to wish to get back just as she did, together. And of course, she didn't forget to do it for Seokjin. She did it all, but everything went so robotic for her after witnessing Seokjin's state that it didn't feel like the task was accomplished.

It was when she opened her eyes that she had become even more bewildered and unaccepting. It was so bright she had to close her eyes again. A second later when she reopened them, she saw Namjoon flashing from her side. "YOU..!" he growled in wrath as he was pulled along his track in flashing speed. His condition resembled a piece of iron in a magnetic field. His massless body passed through the fencing wall, and that was the last of his sight and sound Sera witnessed. It could mean only one thing: Namjoon was gone for good, driven out of Jimin's body as the latter's soul claimed for what rightfully was his.

But who was Sera to have recovered from her trance so fast. Just a meagre human! Her skepticism wasn't fulfilled. She had to look around multiple times to confirm. She stared at her hands and the clouds above in the bright sky and the dusking sun. So much emotions leaked out on her face, the trigger of them just those simple actions; she looked mental. She was resting against the fencing wall in the graveyard, Seokjin lying unalerted and unlively against it as well, a portable table between them. The settings and the surroundings proved enough for her to confirm: they were back. At least she was.

Sera tried to get up from her spot with much difficulty. Her legs were cramped. Struggling, she reached the other side of the table and sat by Seokjin's side. She pulled his heavy body onto hers and hugged it tight, making the unsteady head to rest on her shoulder. Unlike the vision from the dark earth, Sera couldn't find one scratch on his body, there were no outside injuries, just the characteristic pale skin of the dead. She squeezed his lifeless body with her might, her face expressionless and teeth gritting, putting uncontrollable pressure on her jaws: Her coping mechanism.

Unexpectedly, Sera could see a body appearing in front of her sight, squatting on the ground at her height. Seeming holographic as it started appearing, the body gradually set itself to the right tone and looked massful and humanly to sight. The person smiled at Sera and her eyes widened. Kim Seokjin! Her pupils ran to and fro, mind registering the sight and brain controlling an unwanted emotion leak.

"You knew!" she accused in her faint tired voice.

He nodded.

"I hate you," she said. He pressed his lips together and nodded again.

She extended her finger all up to his face and tried to poke his cheek. Her fingers swished through this form, feeling nothing but air. She retraced her hand back.

"Now touch!" he said. She tried again and she could touch him. She let go of her grip from his lifeless body in her arms and rested it on the ground. She stood up from her spot and so did Seokjin's spirit. She ran into the spirits arm without a hesitation and the other welcomed her with a hug. They were lucky there were no humans around to witness the scene.

"I don't see you as a stranger anymore....Yoongi's cousin and my friend!" she said.

"Glad to hear."

"Why did you do it when you knew?"

"Fate, it was bound to happen. Thanks for rescuing me out of the place."

"It was all my fault," she said. Sera blinked her eyes multiple times, preventing any tears to leak.

"It was not. Don't think of it that way, please."

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