|III|Episode●012● Happy Food

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"Take this to Jeongguk-ssi's. You're going out anyway," Hongnan said handing a hotpot to Sera in haste before the latter could refuse.

"They live in the adjacent house. Why can't you take it yourself?"

"I'd have to get ready, I do not look presentable at all."

Sera rolled her eyes. "I'm not—"


Sera exhaled and went out to seek the recipients. Her housemates and she had just had a delicious Saturday brunch before she thought of heading out to Seokjin's to return his priced-possession. The pot in her hand had arranged a variety of uncooked ingredients soaked in a red soup, cooking which would earn it a name- budae jjigae. Jeongguk's favourite comfort food, she heard from Hongnan.

Just as she turned left from her gate, she spotted Hoseok approaching his house from the opposite. When he realized that Sera was indeed going to his shared house, his smile grew as wide as it could. 

"Oh, what a blessed day! Our lovely neighbour is visiting us," he said, all jolly. Sera met his eyes, she didn't wish to meet him but there she was. He looked ethereal, his mirthful spirit was the factor. She was secretly jealous of the man, he hadn't had any troubles in life, she thought.

/Hoseok was having a terrible week. His underrated channel on the internet had been lacking views on its videos for a while, and crew members were leaving one by one. It wasn't a problem until his closest friend left his studio to go join some other. He would still be his friend, he said, but Hoseok knew better of these people, and his ex-friend had become one among them. And the loan of his studio? Its tenure was approaching as fast as an economy's inflation. But a smiling face was what it took to make a scratchy situation better./

"Here, some army stew Hongnan prepared for your dongsaengs and you. Just put it over the stove and eat afterwards."

"If I'll take it in all by myself, they'll think I stole it. I do not have the best reputation, you see." Hoseok backed it with a smooth wink.

Sera rolled her eyes and walked ahead. To the said man's house, that was.

"You were supposed to laugh at that. Did you take it seriously? Just to make it sure—"

"Please be a good host and open the door for me, Hoseok-ssi," Sera fake-smiled.

He typed in the passcode, and as the door opened they both were met with the dongsaengs of the house. The elder one on the couch with the younger sitting on his lap, passionately kissing each other out of pure love, but now pulling away in realization and panic. Hoseok inhaled a gasp longest in humanity. The boys got up from the couch, looking as if it was the last day of their life.

Hoseok looked back at Sera, only to see her unfazed expression. 

"You two!" he pointed at the boys. "Oh my God! Know what? I think I've had my suspicions."

"And that is why you were gasping like an idiot?" Sera alleged Hoseok as she approached the pathetically scared Jeongguk who wasn't meeting her eyes. Taehyung's mind was projecting crazy imaginations, his thoughts running a medley.

'She has no objective emotions but she doesn't look happy.'

'She is a scary woman. Of course, she'll be homophobic.'

'Is she gonna slap Ggukie?' Taehyung thought.

In no time, he covered Jeongguk from her by leaping in front of his Ggukie. Eyes closed and mentally anticipating a slap.

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