|III|Episode●014● Rebirthed

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"Where are you going?" Hoseok whined with a pouty frown and puppy eyes. He was sat on the couch as Sera ascended from the same.

/It had been during the afternoon when Sera returned from the club that she saw her housemates entertaining their neighbours with a movie afternoon. It had been Taehyung who had been soaking Sera's friends with his American practices. The man may have moved to Korea for good but his habits and favours for American culture didn't budge. The group had just started a movie -Snowpiercer-  and had insisted on Sera's presence. The film ended with a crying Hongnan and Taehyung, and a heavily disturbed Hoseok. As the two hostesses and the couple left to the kitchen, Hoseok found himself in an awkwardly silent few moments with Sera./

"To my room," Sera answered Hoseok's complaining rhetoric.

"You sure know how to make your guests comfortable."

"Hongnan and Rowoon are your hosts, why don't you go join like the good guest you should be?"

"You know, Sera-ssi, I can't just help it, I have the tendency to stay near pretty things."

"You don't seem like the type that can take refusals or heartbreaks very well, so stop it while you can because I'll be staying unmoved like this."

The chatty Hoseok was in loss of words. With an evidently awkward laugh, he came up with a response. "You're saying it as if I'm in love with you or something, Sera-ssi. You're funny, hehe."

Sera streaked a subtle smirky smile before she turned on her heels and left Hoseok alone. She knew the other was acting; and the other knew she knew.


It was at the exact same moment that the two doors burst open, making them astonish at the concomitant of it. On one end, Sera stood in all her glory, a bathrobe loosely covering her feminity with drips of water as a bonus. On the other was Jimin, who shockingly looked no similar to how Sera saw him just the previous day whatsoever. The bathroom door and the door to Sera's room both shut behind simultaneously again.

"Well! A sight it is!" Jimin said, followingly stretching his head from side to side, a clack releasing at each neck joint's pop. He then rolled his shoulders. Jimin never did that, but Sera felt like she'd watch someone with that habit fairly recently. Sera stood frozen as the man slowly approached her. No one would recognize Jimin if it hadn't been for his face, Sera thought. The DJ now had dyed jet black hair, he was wearing a plain black shirt with rolled cuffs and his blue jeans. The shirt wasn't his, Sera confirmed, presumably Taemin's. It didn't feel like Jimin at all. The mannerism and phraseology was what gave it away the most.

"Must I not be lucky today, hmm?" He rasped seductively when he was inches away from Sera.

'He's definitely under influence,' she thought. His eyes didn't have those narcotic qualities, of redness or puffiness or others, but what other reasons were she possibly to believe.

"It's been so long," he growled as he ran down his fingers against her neck and shoulder. In a swift pull, a side of the robe fell to her elbows, exposing her breast. It was then that Sera caught the lust lurking in her love's orbs. So lost she was in her mind trying to decode a possible explanation for the apparent happenings; She didn't even realize when she was completely disentangled from her clothing.

"What a beauty!" Jimin whispered. "He must be lucky."

None of his words made sense to Sera. A jolt ignited in her brain when he abruptly carried her in his arms and took her to the bed, but it was soon replaced by curiosity. Sera rested her head on her hands crossed against the pillow as she saw Jimin unbuttoning his jeans. When the black shirt was thrown off, Jimin attacked Sera's neck. His pace was animalistic and the stamina was raw. Passionate nonetheless. 

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