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This prolog contains a lot of sensitive subjects and if you are easly triggered by traumer please don't read this and go directly to my summary in the end of this post.

Prolog contains: Rape, abuse, suicidal thoughts and more alike. 


It was too dark for you to see anything in the room. They had left you alone. Your body was sore all over and your breathing never really went back to normal since the panic and shear terror was still lingering. You could still hear them though. Very faint but you could hear your rapists interact and laugh in the distance. Or at least you thought so. It could just be your mind playing tricks on you, since you also thought you could still smell them in the room. The smell of smoke, coal and spices. The spicy smell of their person told you that they couldn't be native to your country. You had smelled something alike on some of your travels with your father but your fragile and panicked mine couldn't place where in the world you would have smelled that before.

The room you were in looked like a small forgotten office. The walls were chapped and the row brick wall was visible in many places. In the middle of the room was a single desk and the chair that belonged to the desk were in pieces and scattered across the room. The result of one of the men getting angry with you, when you fought back and smacked it across your back. The cold wall felt good against your still aching back. You pressed yourself into the dark corner, not that the whole room wasn't totally dark in the middle of the night, but you had a little silly hope inside, that they might not see you, when you tried to blend into the wall and dirt.

One thing was certain; they did this because of your father.

Your father wasn't a bad man. He drove a honest business with honest people, but that didn't make him less of a target. He was worth a whole lot of money and that meant that you were too. Since the law of inheritance were changed when Queen Victoria was at the throne in United Kingdom in 1880s, children - especially female - by noblemen and other well affluent people were targeted and exchanged for a ransom. The influence of the Queen spread throughout Europe and the law was permanently changed. They all changed the laws and soon no children of any merchant, politician or alike was safe from the mafia, gypsies or just simple bounty hunters.

Your brain was fogging over as you heard their voices started to come closer. It was still a mumble, but they were for sure coming your way. You didn't know for how long you had been there but you already knew that whenever they came to you, it meant pain in your already destroyed lower body. The door was unlocked with a scratching sound and the room was lit up by a small flame of a candle the first brute carried in front of him. As his eyes fell upon you his ugly broad face lit up in a creepy toothless smile. One thing that you could be pleased about was the fact that he actually had a few teeth before meeting you. Not that it made any difference, but it was a small victory.

"How is our favorite doll?" He said in a thick accent, trying his best to speak english. You didn't answer. You knew that no matter what you said to them, they wouldn't leave you alone anyway. There were no point in screaming or trying to talk to them. You could just wait until it was over with.

"Not much of a talker are you? You don't want to scream at me? Rip my face off maybe?" He came closer and closer with the candle in his hand. His mates laughed behind him and the spicy smell of him filled your senses. It was the biggest trigger for you and your whole body stiffened. You couldn't move and naturally you stopped breathing at the same time. Trying to keep the smell of the man out. You closed your eyes. It's just a nightmare. A nightmare. Just...

"Come here, lassie." Said one of the monster's friends. The one with the rough hands and bitten down nails. Those hands had been everywhere on you, but mostly around your neck or pressed against your mouth, making it hard to breath. His hands were around your arm and they all started laughing. You hadn't even counted how many they were because it didn't matter anymore.

You were thrown against the table that were already covered in all kinds of bodily fluids.You were utterly numb, and didn't even think or fight back. You didn't want to do anything than get it over with and crawl back to the corner. You closed your eyes and the tears started to run down your cheeks as one of the men ripped apart your already ruined clothing. You didn't make a sound. Didn't ask them to spare you. It was pointless. Everything was pointless. If you were lucky, maybe one of them would be crazy enough to throw you against the wall again and maybe this time you would actually...

"HOLD! STEP AWAY FROM THE GIRL!!!" The moment after were a blur. The room was suddenly filled up with light and many more men stormed in. You didn't move out of your position on the table but you heard gunfire and yelling around you. Some of the many bodies fell to the ground and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

"Are you alright, miss?" Someone grapped you by your shoulder and you flinched at the touch. The man immediately removed his hand from your shoulder and tried to lift you up from the table by your arm.

"Sir. Her back... Her... Lower..." The man mumbled.

"Get something to cover the girl up. She needs to get out of here. NOW!" Someone yelled and suddenly everything was quiet. You felt someone laying something heavy, soft and warm over your still shaking body. You finally opened your eyes and saw the classic dark blue colour of the local police force.

"Can you stand up, miss? Let me help you." The man the was standing next to you - a young officer - reached out his hand for you to grab. You got up by yourself and reached out for the jacket around you, so it didn't slide off of your shoulders.

"You are safe now, miss. We will bring you to the hospital." Another man said. You stepped aside when the taller and older officer got closer to you. He had bushy mustache that reminded you of one of your rapists, but much more... groomed. How much would remind you of these last few days? Every man you meet from now on?

"I... i just want to go home to my dad." You said in a harsh low whisper. The young officer looked at you with sad eyes and you knew something was wrong. You guessed he saw the worry in your eyes because he looked at the older officer, like he wanted to speak up, but needed permission.

"I wanted to wait until we had gotten you to the hospital, but i guess there is no point in dragging it out. It will not be possible for you to go home anymore, miss y/l/n. You see, the men who captured you has been after your father's name and fortune for some time now. He did put up a fight. Especially when he heard that you were taken. They burned down the y/l/n mansion. Your father... didn't.. make it. I'm sorry, miss." The well spoken officer said and you were sure that he thought he had delivered the news in the most sensible way. But there weren't any sensible way to deliver news like that to a girl that only had her father and no one else in her life. A girl that just went through hell.

"No...." You whispered before the tears and the darkness consumed you.

And that was the last time you ever muttered a single word. 


Prolog summary:
Y/n is catured and raped because of her fathers fortune. In the end she is rescued by the police that tells her that her father died trying to save her. The trauma causes her to develop Selective mutism.


Hope it wasn't too much and i hope that if anyone ever reads this, you might want to read what comes next too?

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