Makepeace - Qibli

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Qibli solemnly watched as the looming shape of Darkstalker flew towards the rainforest.
And Moon. Please Turtle, take care of yourself and Moon.

He wondered if he should just take off right then and there to join them, but decided against it as he remembered how he'd be more useful remaining at the school.

If only I could help save the world. And looked somewhat more fit for the job.

He looked especially handsome today (more than usual) for no reason in particular. He wore a bracelet gifted by Anemone, who didn't enchant it, on his forearm. He spent a while in a river earlier, cleaning off every speck of dust and dirt on his body, especially his face. He absentmindedly touched the scar across his snout as he thought about his fashion sense.

Looking very crude, Qibli. Queen Thorn would totally be proud.

Qibli caught a glance of something shimmering in his peripherals, and noticed Winter also giving the fleeing dragons a look that said many things.
Is that how I look at Moon, too?
He shook his head to clear his mind and focus, and slowly trotted back to his cave.
It was only when he sat on his bed did Qibli realized how lonely he was. His winglet's numbers have been decimated all in just a short period of time, leaving only Winter and Kinkajou at the school. (A N: In this version, Turtle and Anemone healed Kinkajou while she was at Possibility, instead of remaining unconscious in the rainforest.)
Speaking of school, there was a lot Qibli had to catch up on.
Maybe I can think about how lonely I am while doing something with my life.
He thought about everything that went wrong in the past few weeks while catching up on his history homework for Webs.
Turtle was smart - these stone tablets are so useful. If I had animus magic I'd make them more than one way, and make plenty for all the Outclaws. If...if only I was an animus...
Apparently it only took less than a minute for Qibli to sigh and regret being left with his own thoughts.
Still, his subconscious couldn't resist going the speed of light. Is the Sand Kingdom a potential target for Darkstalker? Did Queen Thorn get my warning by messenger? What's public opinion of Darkstalker? Is this just a façade of what's to come?
Qibli managed to focus on his work, and by the time the bell rang for the next class, Qibli was set. He walked the same route he always did when he was tapped on the shoulder by Kinkajou.
"Hey there, Egghead," she remarked. Kinkajou was a decent shade of dark green, resembling one very specific best friend in many ways.
Just thinking of Turtle reminded him of Moon, too.
"Hey, little bug," Qibli responded. "You're looking a lot like a special someone today."
Hot pink flared through Kinkajou's scales as she looked down and realized exactly who she appeared like.
"Hey! You don't even need to be a RainWing for me to know you'd be looking a lot like your special someone," she teased.
Qibli flicked her tail with his. "Okay, Turtlejou."
The response of colors his eyes received from his friend nearly made him squint and bat her away.
What did make him squint was the explosion that rang out in a classroom in front of them.

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