End Behavior - Qibli

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Hours of planning. Days of worrying. A lifetime of wondering.

But when the end product comes, it lasts a second. It becomes a flash of memory in one's mind.

Qibli started in awe at the sight in front of him. Was that Darkstalker? A dragonet now peacefully asleep?

Then he remembered. The bracelet Moon gave him - it must've been enchanted. That's why she was making sure no one wore it.

But how did it work against Darkstalker? Surely he would've protected himself from anyone else's magic. And didn't Kinkajou just have it when she was with Qibli earlier?

Remembering his surroundings, Qibli tried to get up but failed to. Looking over, he only saw Moon and Deathbringer still on the bridge.

He got on his side and attempted to crawl over to Moon. Coughing out a little bit of blood, he slowly crept over using mostly his forearms.

Moon looked up at him as he approached. "Qibli," she whispered.


She glanced at the dark silhouette of Darkstalker behind him. "I guess that's it, huh?"

"Yeah. It's over."

Now, she looked into Qibli's eyes with an almost sorrowful expression. "Do you think it had to come down to that? Do you think it could've ended...differently?"

He thought for a moment. Could Darkstalker have been better? Maybe rehabilitated?

But the resources were restricted. What could they have done in the span of him threatening the Winglet? And threatening Pyrrhia?

"I...I don't know," Qibli answered honestly. "I think he had potential, but...once I find out what this-" he indicated to the sleeping dragonet behind him, "-is, then I'll make up my mind."

"I understand," Moon replied sweetly. "I was just so worried for the safety of all of us...I nearly forgot about his nourishment as well."

That saddened Qibli slightly, but it was quickly dealt with as he heard wingbeats from behind them. Turning around, he saw one - no, two dragons materializing into view.

"Moon!" Three moons, it was so relaxing to hear Kinkajou's voice ring out. Qibli identified the other RainWing as Benevolence.

Kinkajou landed and embraced Moon tightly. The NightWing said some words, but they were muffled and lost.

"Three moons, are you guys okay?!" Kinkajou asked worriedly, embracing Qibli next. "If you guys die, I'm going to kill you." She then started stabilizing his and Moon's health by patching up their wounds as best as she could.

Qibli chuckled. "Good to know I can always rely on my friends for something."

"How are the others?" Moon asked worriedly. "Are they...okay?"

"Yeah, I think Turtle enchanted himself before he jumped or something. I don't know, but he's okay for now. I'm trying to help Winter - he's okay too."

Relief washed over Qibli as he knew they would be okay. The two RainWings with them took off and diverted to help those in need.

"At least we made it through to the end," Qibli said to Moon. "But it's all thanks to you guys, who made it possible."

"No," Moon interrupted, taking his talons in hers. "You did this. We gave you the ability to save us, and you used it. You changed the world.

"You should be proud of yourself."

You should be proud of yourself.

That phrase had rarely been said to Qibli, ever. Maybe he wasn't just the SandWing he thought he was. Maybe he wasn't less than those around him.

He had finally done something right in his life. And people were happy for him.

It was an old, lost feeling now resurfaced.

"I-I...I don't know what to say," was all he could muster.

"You don't have to say anything. You deserve a break, and more.

"Speaking of break, I...I think I'd like to rest now."

With that, Moon settled back, letting a deep breath loose.

For once, Qibli smiled. He laid back too, staring at how the cosmos seemed to smile back.

More wingbeats approached from behind him, a thunder of the anthem of dragons. The ground beneath him rumbled as yellow and pale and golden dragons flew overhead.

One swooped down to land close by, carrying satchels that jingled with items. "Qibli! You're alright."

The Outclaw reinforcements had arrived. They really were going to get out of here.

Qibli relaxed as he recognized Bastion and Blitz from earlier, each treating himself and Moon with some healing.

He glanced over at his friend, who received a syringe and was bandaged up. Turning back, he saw himself placed on a stretcher and lifted into the air by two SandWings.

"You're going to be alright. You're going home."

And it was over.

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