Nightmare - Moon

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Their task was simple. Just...the actual situation wasn't.

Ever since they left for Turtle, Moon has been experiencing her outlandish visions of her and her friends in peril more often. And she ruefully figured if she kept it to herself, she'd keep their morale up as well.

But we're prepared, Moon thought. We'll be ready...I hope.

I still don't know how this pertains to Jade Mountain falling under thunder and ice, though. She had only envisioned that prophecy once recently, however, so she would disregard it until it became more relevant.

Ignoring the impending sense of doom that shrouded her mind, she tried to strike up a conversation with Deathbringer, who was flying matched with her speed. After Moon sent Qibli to the local holding cells, she and Deathbringer journeyed and spied as they promised.

"So...are there any assassin tips and tricks, or strategies for your missions, or anything you think I should know?" It would be nice to know, but Moon internally hoped she wouldn't have to use anything. Judging from his thoughts, Deathbringer wished the same.

"Well..." He trailed off for a minute. "I wouldn't say they're assassin tips," he replied with a smirk. "But you'll still need to have a sense of stealth. Oh, and it'd be useful for us two to have decent charisma. I don't know if you know, but the rest of us NightWings are more deceitful than you'd think, so it's better to try to pry the truth."

Well, that was a lot to say. Hope it wasn't too much, Moon pulled from him.

"Um, thanks for that," she said, trying to comfort him. "And yeah, the only decent NightWings I've encountered were my mom and Starflight. And you too, so far."

Deathbringer let out a snort. "Not even...who's Starflight's girlfriend, Fatespeaker?" Bleh.

A giggle escaped from Moon. "She's...alright. Kinda the opposite of me. I just hope poor Starflight can handle her."

Now, they both chuckled. "I think we should stop bullying Fatespeaker and try to get in that," Deathbringer nodded towards a large stone and marble building, welcoming them with crumbling and eroded pillars. The library, if the other NightWings' minds were correct.

(Un)surprisingly, Deathbringer had many ambient thoughts similar to Qibli, from what Moon could tell. Analyzing the environment, tracking dragons, planning out possible travel routes and maintaining a flight pattern that camouflaged him against the night sky were just a few.


"Library looks void of anybody," Deathbringer pointed out. "Guess you can say they're not all on the same page."

Rolling her eyes, Moon flew over to an entrance on the side. "I, uh, don't think anyone's inside either. But maybe we can come back to this later?"

As far as she was concerned, Deathbringer didn't know about Moon's powers. However, she noticed that he wasn't like the other NightWings when it came to Darkstalker. Surely if Deathbringer had encountered Darkstalker back in the rainforest, he'd be under the illusion...

She cut off her train of thoughts with Deathbringer's words. "Uh, yeah. But let's take our time with this. Look over there - that's a decent start."

The location Deathbringer indicated to was a celebration or festival taking place in a large courtyard ahead of them. And it was a full house, too. The raindrop trick was struggling to succeed against the mass of NightWings, so Moon just let her mind autopilot it out.

Their altitude was enough above the events below that they were able to hover while mostly matching with the night sky. It wouldn't have made a significant difference, as the dragons below were shouting and laughing. Fruits and drinks were sent flying through the air onto others.

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