Epilogue - Qinter

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And you save the best for last...

Is it normal?

Well, by all standards he was handsome. Just in the Jade Winglet alone, he was adored and revered Kinkajou and Moon.

And now Qibli.

But why? Was it Winter having an unfamiliar personality, presenting an opportunity to experience something new? Was it because they were able to relate with their families hating them?

Whatever it was, Qibli would uncover later. It made him uneasy not knowing about the reasons for his feelings. The unknown just upset him in general.

"Hey. You busy?"

He jerked suddenly, pulled away from his thoughts. Speaking of the devil, Winter was there leaning in his doorway, raising one eyebrow while waiting for a response.

Qibli just hoped Winter didn't question his blushing for no reason.

"Uh, no, not really - what did you have in mind?"

"Dunno. Moon and Kinkajou are off on their own. And I'm tired of sitting around bored."

Guess I'm someone's third choice. "Don't know why you came to me with high expectations, but I'll do," Qibli said with a slight smile.

He almost could've sworn he heard Winter mumble, "Yeah, you will," but brushed it off as they sat together on his bed.

They spent the afternoon chatting and occasionally bringing something to eat. It warmed Qibli's heart whenever he made his best friends (in this case, maybe more than a friend) laugh.

More importantly, he had Winter's trust; he'd gotten to his soft side. Seeing and hearing him laugh this much was like the best experience ever. Qibli could just sit and listen to Winter all day, everyday. Like a birdwatcher. Like a podcast listener.

Like a friend.

Like a lover.

It made him sad, however, when he really thought about it. The chances of Winter mirroring those feelings were slim, and besides, even if that was true, there was always Moon. She was perfect in her own ways, and surely Winter saw that. Qibli saw her as superior to him, further pushing his emotions back inside.

And what would everyone think of them? Would the public "Ew!" at the two boys together? Would Thorn think lower of Qibli, for disregarding Winter's flaws and not finding someone better?

No. We'd be together for each other, not for anyone else's approval. And Winter's "flaws" are what make him perfect. Besides, it's a possibility I could make him better, if it comes down to it.

And maybe I have the best shot at achieving that.

Well...this is all if we're even a thing...

But Qibli was sure it could be! Yeah, when the group is together, Winter acts arrogantly and superior about himself. But when it's just the two...it's almost like he changes around Qibli.

Seeing the IceWing smile and brush shoulders and laugh, all due to Qibli, it really supported those thoughts.

It was late evening, and their conversation about whether or not they should start a revolution came to an end.

"Hey, Qibli?"

His heart jumped. Why? He's just asking me a question. "Yeah?"

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Okay, that's why.

After an incredulous and concerned look from Qibli, he stuttered, "N-no! Just like, here in your room? I'm...too tired to go back to my own, that's why."

A World Upside Down - WoF Jade Winglet AUWhere stories live. Discover now