Lesions - Qibli

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School should have been another home. A place to feel safe, to feel loved, a place to meet many other dragons. It should have been a second Scorpion Den.

At this point in time, Qibli figured the Academy was the opposite of the Scorpion Den (his home was at LEAST organized somewhat).

Nearly dying twice in one day, being under attack, and questioning his self worth kept him in Outclaw mode for longer than he was comfortable with while in a school environment.

Qibli was, for once, paying close attention in Webs' history class, looking for any kind of clue that related to their Darkstalker Sympathizer enemies.

The Scorching most likely wouldn't have any relative information, but it may just had been useful to listen anyways.

"Of course, there were most likely dragon groups who didn't support the destruction of scavenger society," Webs droned on. "Those dragons who thought Pyrrhia was destined to be inhabited by the little creatures, since they were suspected to be more intelligent than other species."

Qibli could sense Winter perk up at the mention of dragons saving scavengers.

A fellow dragonet raised their hand in class, waiting to be called on. With 3 different Winglets in one classroom, Qibli figured the SkyWing was either Thrush or Peregrine.

"Yes?" Webs asked.

Their classmate went on, "What makes scavengers intelligent? Are there any groups today that help them?"

Winter interrupted before Webs could respond. "The Talons of Peace have started doing scavenger research," he said. The IceWing suddenly looked embarrassed as the class looked at them, at a loss for what to say next.

Ha, good one, Winter.

Qibli's beloved friend continued. "A-and, they seem to have a sense of coordination, unity, and can form basic societies. Uh, I think."

Webs stared at him for a brief moment. "That's...that was interesting to share Winter. At least, you probably know more than me about scavengers, but there's always scrolls in the library to check out for more information.

"Weird to think the Talons of Peace are actually doing something worthy..." he mumbled quietly.

Qibli then remembered the struggles the SeaWing had with the shady organization, and how he had been banished from both his tribe, and now the only people he knew.

The class droned on more, with plenty of talking of scavengers and Winter asking questions about his minute friends.

At some time during the class, the pouch containing the stone tablet thumped against Qibli's chest. Pulling it out and reading he, he really couldn't believe his eyes.

The Lost Kingdom of Night is being found. For the prophecy. And Turtle will be the first one of us to see it.

He read the following messages that came after that, and was aloof at the last message Turtle sent.

The fact that Cirrus/Chameleon was still alive and functioning, and is aiding Darkstalker.

Turtle, this is really good. Well, I mean that you got this info. But please, I'd hate to have to haul halfway across Pyrrhia to save you from a dungeon.

Well, because I'd miss out on all the fun from before.

The bell for the end of class rang. It was time for his lunch period, but Qibli dragged himself back to his cave to think. He'd have to visit the library later to see if there were any scrolls about Darkstalker having accomplices.

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