Wet Work - Winter

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Alert: Contains Crude & Mature Language

Normally, the days would've gone by quietly and peacefully. The snow blanketed everything in the Ice Kingdom tundra, the noise and chatter of nature had been muted.

That was what patrolling in the outer reaches of the kingdom were like to one very specific IceWing. One very rebellious IceWing.

They were planning to leak IceWing intel to the SkyWings in exchange for passage to and shelter in their mountain ranges. It was enough how much his tribe had to do; being practically exiled was too much.

Winter and Hailstorm had been sent with an IceWing guard squad to capture and return the fugitive. Winter was only three at the time, but he was persevering any chance to redeem himself.

They were able to locate their target, and the insurgent had fled. Hard. Winter and a few others pursued for some time, but unfortunately, they couldn't keep up, and their turncoat had escaped.

Winter always tried to repress what happened to him and the others after that.

That was the only modern time Winter had chased an IceWing enemy. Well, it was before now.

Damn, this guy moves fast. I suppose getting in the Outclaws' good graces wouldn't be too bad, so come here, you little talon licker.

A posse of dragons flew beside him. They gave him his space but mostly disregarded him for a minute as they pursued Cirrus for a minute.

At some point, one of them rose up to Winter, syncing flight. He glanced at the newcomer, assessing the operator.

Well rounded and fed, he was about the size and a half of Winter. Warm golden and pale scales fabricated a chubby but humorous face. Judging from his expression, Winter figured he easily could've passed as a possible brother of Qibli. He looked away at the thought of that.

Hopefully not like his real siblings, from what Sandface has told me.

Winter turned to the operator adjacent to him, but the SandWing spoke first.

"'Ey, lad," he spoke. Something about his nonchalant but rough voice made Winter wonder how the Outclaws were so successful, if they were all like this.

Probably because of Thorn.

"What keeps you out here?" the operator continued, banking his head towards Cirrus. "What're you holdin' against him?"

Winter glared at their foe for a moment. "Aside from the fact he just attempted, poorly, to assassinate your kingpins, he injured one of my...uh, associates. Horribly.

"Plus, I'm not letting this fake IceWing ruin our name. It would benefit me much to get him in my grasp," Winter pressed on, choosing his words precariously.

His new companion simply nodded. "The first rule I've eva' learnt. Protect those with you, or else." He flicked his tail at Winter, careful not to stab him and make him another Qibli. Winter flinched protectively anyways.

A scar ran perpendicular across his tail, one that must've been caused at a young age by hostile talons.

"I'm Blitz, by the way," the SandWing continued. "Anointed an official of Six-Claws' CTU by him."

Winter nodded, starting to build trust for the strangers around. "Winter," he simply stated.

An expression, close to recognition with a smile, flashed across Blitz's face. "Ooh!" he exclaimed. "Winter, the infamous ex-prince of de IceWings who sacrificed his abstract worth for his brother! Very wholesome, by the way."

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